AU #1

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Anyway, I'm going to apologize in advance for not updating since like last week. I was going to post a three part imagine but I realized how sucky it was and deleted it and I've been uber busy BUT HERE IS MY FIRST AU!

I cleared my throat and everyone looked to me. "I'll find them." I declared, "I'll leave in a half an hour."
"No." Alby said.
"Yeah, Shank, I don't think it's a good idea to go alone." Minho added.
"I can manage." I responded with a look that was daring him to think otherwise.
"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just safer than being alone."
"What about that rule? Huh? We don't want to loose anymore people?" I countered angrily, "It's my fault they're gone anyway! I should be able to do whatever I can to help!"

Everyone burst into conversation and Alby shouted at everyone to be quiet.
"You can go, but someone has to go with you. You'll need back up."
"I volunteer." Minho said.
"Alright. It's settled. Y/N and Minho will go search for Newt and Thomas."


"Y/N." Minho said as he walked into the dimly lit room. He opened his back pack and put some cans in it.
"Yes?" I questioned, also filling my backpack with the food that the room held.
"It's not your fault that they're-"
"Stop. I'm tired of hearing lies." I cut him off and moved into the next storage room.

"Y/N, you don't know why they're gone."
"Yes I do. Newt was jealous of Thomas and I so he ran away with Thomas on his heels. He's gone because of me. If I hadn't decided to help Thomas with his shooting lessons then they wouldn't be gone." I sputtered, putting an extra gun in my holster.
"After Thomas explained to Newt what was happening he realized that he was a slinthead and that you two were just friends."
"So why did they run away?"
"I don't know." Minho sighed, "But it's not your fault that they're gone.


Minho and I had been trekking through the woods for about three hours and we looked for any signs of their presence.
"Minho." I said quietly.
"What the shuck?" He followed my gaze.

I slowly walked up to the pile of Walker bodies in the clearing.
"People have been here recently. This is fresh." I looked about.
"Can we track them?"
"Yeah... There are foot prints in the mud over there..." I pointed towards the trails. It was from two different people.
"It could be them." He shrugged, "It's worth a shot."
"Alright." I agreed.

We followed the tracks and found that it wasn't them. It was two people that we didn't know at all.
"Who are you?" I said sternly, my gun raised and ready to fire.
"I'm Gally." The boy with the big nose and distinct eyebrows said, "And this is Aris."
They had their hands raised in the air.
"No weapons?" Minho interrogated.
"None. At all." Aris replied with a nervous tone.

I lowered my gun and asked, "How did you kill all of those walkers?"
"You call 'em walkers? We call 'em biters. Well, before Woodbury collapsed, the people there called them biters. We didn't kill them. They were dead before we got there. Two boys killed them."
I tried to hide my emotion when he said 'two boys.' Could it be Newt and Thomas?
"Come with us."
"Y/N!" Minho protested.
"They're harmless." I rolled my eyes, then looked back to the new boys, "Describe them to us."

We walked back and they explained their situation.

It was Newt and Thomas. They ran away because they were chased by a herd. They had to kill a few walkers and came across Aris and Gally.

"The one you call 'Newt,' yeah, he wanted to get back to you awfully bad." Aris said looking at me.

A flutter of warmth came over me and I hid my smile.

"Do you think they're back in Alexandria by now?"
"Most likely." Aris nodded.
"Unless they got bite." Gally added.
"Shut up, slinthead." Minho glared at him.


When we got back to Alexandria, I frantically asked people if they were back.
"They got back about an hour ago." Alby reported. "Go see them, they're in the main house." I rushed to the building and heard him say, "But hey! Greenies! Stay here!"

"Newt!" I called out.
"Y/N!!" He yelled. I ran into the living room, almost tripping and falling.

He was here, safe.

Our bodies clashed together and I passionately kissed him. It was our first kiss and it was the best kiss I have ever had in my life. We were pressed as close together as possible and I rested my forehead on his, whispering,
"Don't you ever leave me again. Ever. I love you too much, I could've lost you. I can't loose you, Newt."
"I promise. Y/N, I love you so much. I was such a shucking idiot."
I smiled and the front door opened and footsteps sounded. I jumped away from him just as Minho walked in.
"What happened here?" Minho smirked, looking at our slightly swollen lips. "Finally a couple now?"
"Finally." I sighed, still relieved that he was safe.

I am a huge TWD fan! Hope you liked this!! I'll try out more AUs.

Also, if you like TWD or this imagine, you'd most likely enjoy my other book: The Boy I Never Met. Please check it out:)


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