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I kissed Thomas and he kissed me back. He had just come in the glade recently, and I felt something special towards him.

It was like he was completely surprised. Nonetheless, his lips moved right along with mine.

"Thomas," I whispered, "I really like you."
"I really like you too, Y/n."

*   *   *

After that, Thomas gave me a goodnight kiss and I practically skipped to my hammock.

The morning that followed I woke up with a spring in my step, but I didn't see Thomas anywhere. I made my way to the breakfast line and a small smile seemed to not be capable of erasing itself from my face.

I placed my tray down next to Minho and and across from Newt. I happily sighed and they both eyed me suspiciously.

Newt's eyes filled with realization and then he quickly looked away.

"The shank kissed you, didn't he?" Minho questioned jokingly. It came off with a joking tone, but Minho seemed a bit on edge.
"What?" I was caught off guard.
"Thomas kissed you. Didn't he?" Minho repeated himself very slowly.
Newt looked like he was keeping his eyes focused on anything but me. Minho looked at me straight on with a questionable tint in his eyes.
"I kissed him." I said.

Newt abruptly left the table and Minho and I watched him walk away. It looked like he had a clear destination: anywhere but with us.

*   *   *

It was a month. An entire month of Newt avoiding me at all costs, and it really hurt. Newt was one of my best friends and I missed him terribly.

At the new Greenie's bonfire, Thomas and I were kissing when I felt a pair of eyes look over at us. It was the Greenie. Her name was Theresa.

It felt unnatural with her watching, so I pulled away from Thomas.

"Can we talk?" I asked.
He looked at me peculiarly. "What do you mean? You're not breaking up with me, are you?"

And in that moment I realized that we had never officially started dating. I mean, we were practically boyfriend and girlfriend but neither of us asked each other the big question.

His eyes flickered over to the new girl and that's when I fully understood.

He didn't really have true feelings for me. He just wanted someone to be with in these rough times.

"Shuck you." I walked away from him, tears brimming my eyes.

What really hurt, was that I had feelings for him that were real, and he lied to me the whole time.

He didn't even come after me. Someone else did, though.


I turned around, half expecting it to be Thomas. Well, aren't I foolish?


And that's when he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, love. I'm so sorry."
I hugged him back and said that I forgave him.
"Really?" He lit up and I couldn't control the small smile that was forming on my face.
"Yeah. I did feel really horrible that you were ignoring me though..." I trailed off.
"I'm so sorry." He let go of our hug and asked a question, "What happened with Thomas?"
"We're you- Newt! You were watching!"
"Alright, I'll confess. I was."
"Why?" I questioned.
"I was jealous." He seemed embarrassed, "I really like you, Y/n."

I reached out and held his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"I'm sorry about Thomas," he admitted, "I know you really cared for him. I don't think he deserves you, though."

We looked about the Glade, still hand in hand, and saw Thomas and Theresa kissing.

We stood there watching them have an intense make out session. More intense than any time we'd ever kissed.

"Wow." I muttered, "Guess I'm not that special. He barely-"
"No, you're incredibly special, Y/n." Newt looked at me and down to our intertwined hands. "I can't even explain how special you are."
I felt myself blushing. I wasn't used to Newt acting this way towards me.
"Y/n, I never want you to ever believe that you're not special. Okay? Because you're the most special person I know."
"You don't know a lot of people, Newt."
"Whatever. You see? I can't even explain!"

I giggled and realized that that night was one of the best nights of my life.

I moved on from Thomas, and Newt was back in my life. It was pretty great.

I'm currently on a bus, and I'll be on the bus for the rest of the day. I was planning on updating my books like a crazy person, but the wifi sucks.

BUT HOLY CRAP 4K VIEWS???? THAT'S AMAZING!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Speaking of which, I was goofing around on Wattpad (the computer version) (I usually just use the app) and I felt like crying because it was so amazing THAT PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD ARE READING WHAT I WRITE! Like you guys are from a bunch of different countries- that's insane!!

So I just wanted to say thank you because that is utterly amazing. I can't even explain.

Have a beautiful day!!


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