4.3 | sharing knowledge

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"You don't want to do this." Newt repeated, and lightly touched my arm.

"Greenie, don't you dare move," Alby shouted, "Newt!! Take her to the pit! We need to knock some sense into her stubborn little head!!"

"I'm sorry." Newt gently stated. His voice was a large contrast to his actions.

"WHAT IS THE PIT?" I screamed.

I tried to struggle out of Newt's grip. He shoved me through the door. He probably wouldn't have had to be so forceful if I hadn't been so stubborn. He soon pulled me into a big grassy area. I halted.

Giant walls towered around the small forest, big grassy area, fields of crops, the haphazard buildings, the cage I came up in, and basically everything. I drew in a sharp breath and my body became tense.

"Keep moving," Newt exasperatedly instructed, "We need to keep this show on the road. A lot of the other Gladers don't trust you that much."

"Well, I don't trust you all that much either!" I stopped struggling, seeing that there was no way to possibly succeed.

I saw a boy with dark, black hair. He was simply walking our direction, spotted us, then turned around and sped away.

"Minho," I mumbled. The name had left my mouth without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"How- how did you know that was Minho?" He looked aghast.

"I don't know," I felt stunned, "and I don't know why I remember you either. It's- it's fading..."

He looked away from me and sighed.

"There is something familiar about you," He replied, "I'm actually sorry I have to put you in here." We reached a little pit with a some wooden bars around it. "I won't let you face Alby's wrath alone. Don't worry."

I smiled the type of sad smile you do when you know the inevitable is coming and there is no other way to deal with it. He gave me a weak smile back as I crawled in.

Once Newt had locked the bars, Abby trudged into view.

"Fine," I complied before he got the chance to speak, "I'll tell you what I know."

"Good choice." Alby crossed his arms and Newt looked at the sky, as if he wanted to be alone with his thoughts.

"Newt and I were lovers."

Alby's face contorted in attempts to not laugh and Newt snapped his head to look at me.

"We were what?" He looked at me with an intensity that bore holes in my soul.

"This is ridiculous—a love story?—do you recall anything else?" Alby's usually hard tone and stern facial expression had lightened up considerably. Maybe it was the fact that he could taunt Newt about this later, or maybe it was the fact that there was potential for all of us being in the glade for a reason.

"There was something about trials. Ava Paige? Ava Paige told me that he'd be in the first group... You've been here a year? A whole year?" I groped my mind, trying to remember the fading voices.

"Yes." Alby confirmed. Newt quietly nodded, deep in concentration.

"That's all I know." I concluded.

"Alright, Newt, since you're in love with Y/n, tell 'er about everything. Good that?" Alby said as he unlocked the pit.

"Good that." Newt mumbled. He quickly ran a hand down his face in pure exhaustion. To say the least, I was just as tired.

*   *   *

While Newt was giving me the tour he asked me, "We were lovers?"

"Yeah," it felt painful to think about how our love sounded endless just from listening to our voices. Now we were here.


"I know right," I cleared my throat, "We should go get something to drink. Water? Do you people have any water around here?"

He chuckled lightly and I asked him what he found humorous.

He hesitated as if he were fighting a battle in his own mind. Eventually he told me these exact words.

"You make me happy."

Why was he so afraid to admit that he was happy? I didn't know at that time.

But it gave me hope because perhaps one day we would love each other as we did in the past, and maybe he would come to a point in his life where he wasn't afraid to admit he was happy.

Hope you like my imagines so far! Don't forget to leave a vote or comment :)


Edited: 11/14/16

Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें