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So I was originally going to enter this in a contest, but I never got around to it.

A year of living with the facts... My memory was erased. Everyone else's memories were erased. As sickening as it is to wake up in a dank box and being the only female in the entire vicinity, the place itself gave you a gut wrenching feeling.

Once you come to terms with the fact you're trapped in the center of a maze with no known ways out... It's quite a big swallow for a blank brain. A scary factor about it is that you get used to it.

You just have to look for the bright side.

The grassy terrain is nice, I suppose, but don't get me started on the people! They're funnier than the image of a griever in a tutu!

I made friends with the Gladers. Newt dragged Minho over to me when I sat alone at the first few meals.

"Greenie, aren't you going to say hello?"


Much to Minho's discomfort, Newt talked to me about how their run in the maze went that day. The two of them became my best friends once Minho had warmed up to me.

But who could forget my other friend—Frypan—who was also my boss. He was a great boss. Super welcomin-

"What are you doing here?" He asked with an irritated look.

"I work here." I chuckled, "I've had to look at your annoying face everday for the past year."

He rolled his eyes and shooed me away saying,

"It's your birthday. I'm not just going to make you bake your own cake."

"Are you sure?' I asked as he pushed me out the doorway.

"Positive. Get out of here." He hurriedly closed the door and I found myself wandering the Glade just like my first night.

As I mentioned before, we don't know a thing about our previous lives, so today most likely is not my actual birthday.

A boy came up with the idea shortly after I arrived. He said it was almost like giving us a piece of our identity back.

We celebrated groups of people's "birthdays" at a time. My birthday happened to be on the same day as Newt and Minho's.

As I strolled about the Glade, I came across the gardens.

"Hey Zart," I greeted him, "Frypan kicked me out for the day. Anything I can help with here?"

"Can you go get a bunch of fertilizer?"

"Sure thing."

"Great, and happy birthday by the way."

"Thanks!" I exclaimed as I took a bucket and shovel from him and began my trek into the woods.

* * *

"What took so long?" Zart asked, taking the bucket.

"Well..." I explained what really did just happen with reluctance. Zart burst out laughing.

"So you fell in the fertilizer and the in creek? Not a good birthday?"

"Whatever." I cracked a smile at my clumsiness.

"Go to the kitchens. It's almost supper."


I sat down, starting to get worried. Newt and Minho weren't back from their run yet, and it was getting late.

Just as I was about to go wait by the maze enterence, Newt and Minho plopped down at my table.

"Happy birthday to us." Minho tiredly said.

"Where were you shanks?"

"Talking to Zart," Newt smirked and I felt my eyes widen. Please tell me that traitor didn't- "He told us a great story about your birthday adventures."

"Oh shut up." I mumbled, their laughter being too loud for them to hear. I knew they would never let me hear the end of it.

"How old are you guys turning?" I questioned, changing the subject.

"It's been determined that we're both turning sixteen." Newt replied.

"Minho, I could have sworn that you were four." I smugly stated and he rolled his eyes.

"What about you?" Newt asked.


"CAKE IS SERVED!" I heard Frypan shout. We all scrambled to get a good piece and the Gladers all shouted a happy birthday song.

"Happy birthday." Newt smiled at me as the Gladers shouted my name at the end of the song.


"You too." I grinned and took another bite of cake.

Hey, so since school is here, I'm guessing that I won't have much free time anymore, and if I don't seem as active on my account as I usually am, that's why.

I'm not saying goodbye (lol you can't get rid of me that easily) but yeah, just wanted to give a heads up!

Also wanted to say good luck to you all. I know some people might not start for a while or have already been going for a while, but nonetheless I wish you all luck!


Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang