13 | never enough

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*Sirens wailing* "THERE'S SPOILERS IN THE DISTANCE!!! SPOILERS I SAY!!" *People crying* *cough* Don't read this imagine if you haven't read all the books! *cough*


I started to live in WICKED's headquarters ever since the construction of them began, so I had known Newt since the day he arrived. This meant I had known him for maybe a little over a decade?

We met during lunch time, when he set down his tray of food at my table in the cafeteria. Almost two years after that day he told me he wasn't immune to the flare.

It broke my heart. It really did.

It broke my heart that Alby wasn't immune, and that Chuck was, but he wouldn't make it out of the maze alive (he volunteered to be killed by Gally). All the while the Chancellor told us it was for the greater good.

People around the world were dying.

But some of these people? They were my world.

It was a hard choice to choose between people dying and people dying. But I guess that's the thing, people were going to die no matter what.

After Newt told me that he wasn't immune I went straight to the Chancellor.

"Please." I begged her.

"Y/n, the variables are already in. I'm afraid we can't sacrifice you." Her tone revealed her emotions to be a combination of a couple feelings. Despair, and the need to fight the despair with order and leadership.

I gave her the meanest glare I could muster. It was very simple for my young self to do.

"Chancellor Paige, I don't want to live in a world without Newt! I know he won't remember me, and I won't remember him, but I can't. I CAN'T!" I wailed, causing several members of WICKED to pause what they were doing to stare at me. I didn't particularly care that I was drawing attention to our conversation.

"Y/n, come with me to my office."
"NO!!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the walls. I started throwing a full-blown temper tantrum. Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I was thrashing around, trying to break away from the Chancellor, who was attempting to carry me. I let out several screams and a WICKED scientist asked the Chancellor if she wanted to use a tranquilizer on me.

"No, Daryl. I can take care of Y/n." She replied with a calm yet authorized voice.

"Please." I whimpered with a helpless amount of desperation, "Please. I can't. I can't. I can't."

"Y/n, we will send you in."

"Wasn't I supposed to stay?" I snarled, not quite believing her.

"Yes, but I'm changing that. We will send you to the maze with all the boys. You'll be the last one to come up in the box. Do you remember your instructor teaching you about the box?"

"Yes." I mumbled, still shaking.

"We'll send you to Maze A, the one with Newt."


"You might survive, and you might not." She went on, her voice was sharp, but I could tell she didn't want me to agree to do this.

"I don't want to live in a world that doesn't have Newt in it."

Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora