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Why I haven't written about this yet is a mystery to me.

+ I'm kinda sad right now, so I thought I'd update early (lol it makes me happy)

Y/n couldn't control her giggles.

"Newt!" Minho angrily muttered with a certain ferocity that made Thomas—who was watching the scene go down—feel frightened. "I told you not to tell anyone!"
"Why couldn't I have told Y/n? She won't judge us!" Newt tried to defend the case, but he was slowly admitting to himself that maybe he had made a mistake.

Y/n was laughing freely now, and Minho hissed, "You shank! She's judging us right now!"

"Y/n! Shut up!" Newt told her, but she only laughed harder.

"I can't believe- I can't believe you come together on a weekly basis and-"

Minho strided up to her, grabbed her by the collar and she quickly closed her mouth. Tears from her laughter were welled up in her eyes and she waited for him to speak.

"We do not utter what we do here out loud. Understood?"

"It's just flower crown making, Minho. What's the big dea-"

He pulled her closer to him so their noses were touching.

"You make the flowers here wilt with your stupidity—" Y/n almost started laughing at his comment. The situation was just too funny.
"—Isn't it obvious that you were very quick to judge us? Can't you even imagine what the other slintheads would say?"

"Calm down, Minho." Thomas nervously said. He was very open about how much Minho was scaring him at the moment.

"Yeah," Newt pulled him away from Y/n, "take it a notch down, okay? She's cool. We're all cool."

Y/n nodded, suddenly serious.

"You can begin your meeting or whatever," she said, "I won't laugh or anything. I won't tell a single soul."
"You better not as much mutter something in your sleep about it."

The imagine of Minho actually wearing a flower crown right before her very eyes made her choke on a laugh, but she quickly turned it into a cough.

"I won't."


With that, the four of them started to pluck the flowers from their patches of grass and weaved them together. They all enjoyed themselves very much.

But just imagine it. The trio being bored one night after they finished their jobs, and joking around about making flower crowns. Then they would actually do it because they're that bored. Then it becomes a regular thing.

I feel so much better now. 😂😂👏🏽


Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن