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Important a/n at the end of this long imagine :)

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Everyone in the Glade expected that Newt and Y/n would eventually date, or at least become close friends. Everyone suspected that except Newt and Y/n.

Y/n was quiet. She didn't like to draw attention to herself—which was a hard task considering that she was the only girl in the entire vicinity, plus she did have the most dramatic person as her best friend...

"Minho!" Y/n groaned, "For a fast runner, you move very slow!"
"Sorry," he sarcastically remarked, "for a girl, you sure are rude."

Y/n let a side that she only showed to her running partner and few other friends.

"How do you even know how girls act? I'm the only girl you've interacted with in years, shank. I'm incomparable." Y/n put a hand on her hip and raised her eyebrows expectantly as if to say, your move.

He chuckled and said, "Darling, you—the only girl I've ever remembered meeting—spends all your time with me. Therefore I know very well how the female ways work."

"How do the 'female ways' work?" Y/n challenged.

"They're surprisingly competitive, considering he fact that that's supposed to be a dude thing-" Y/n rolled her eyes at that comment, "and she's more witty than any slinthead in this joint. Besides me of course. She can run pretty fast too. She also has good taste in friends." Minho stopped midway through and just straight out talked about Y/n.

"Thanks, I guess." She replied, growing more quiet as they walked up to the lunch line. She never really enjoyed the company of the other boys.

There was one boy she did admire (apart from Frypan. He's Y/n's shank-homie because he always gives her extra of her favorite foods). The boy she really, truly and deeply admired Newt.

He was about as silent as Y/n, but was close friends with Minho as well, so she saw him around frequently. Newt was really the only boy she talked to regularly besides Minho.

"Hey Minho, hey Y/n." Newt greeted them.
"Hey." Y/n nodded, nervously.
"What's up, slinthead." Minho punched his shoulder and Newt gave him a strange look and punched him back.

While the boys were busy punching each other, Y/n finished her breakfast ("Bye klunk-shaggers!") and headed to the map room. She didn't have to run the maze that day, just organize the maps and attempt to find a way out.

In ways, this task was almost more tiresome than running several miles. It mentally drained the people working it. You had to keep your eyes sharp and your thoughts sharper in search of what everyone was desperate for... a way out.

Y/n spent all the hours before lunch trying to get the maps to tell her something. Anything.

"Any luck?" Minho asked, not bothering to put the slightest bit of hope into his voice. Both of the friends knew that the other would go directly to them if they had a minor lead. It didn't stop Y/n from replying,
"Nope. You?"
"Nothing. At. All."
"Lunchtime?" Y/n questioned with a hinting tone.
"Lunchtime." He confirmed.

They raced each other to lunch, Minho only beat Y/n by a feeble amount.

"What's for the eats, Fry?" Y/n pushed the excess hair that had fallen out of her braid off her face.
"Mystery soup?"
"You know it."
"That I do. Thanks, shank."
"Whatever, shank."

Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang