AU #6

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Harrrrrry Potter again!

How had I never noticed the cutest boy in Hogwarts until now? Not only was he attractive, he was also incredibly smart, kind, and brave (he was in Gryffindor after all). We're even in the same house and I didn't notice him!


I always heard people talking about him, but I never fully knew who he was. Until that moment.

It was potions class, with Professor Snape. I always tried to be nice to him, and he seemed content with me, but I secretly had a strong disliking towards him. He was just so harsh.

"All done, Professor Snape." I was handing him my sleeping potion just as Newt bumped into me and I nearly spilled it.

The contents of the potion were falling out but Snape snapped out his wand and the liquid froze into mid air.

"Nice save, Snape." Newt stated.
"You're so careless and clumsy." Snape squinted his eyes at him and the potion suddenly slurped its way back into the bottle.
"Good work, Y/n." He said with an equally hostile tone. "Newt, I'm taking marks off for that."

He dismissed class and I scurried away, collecting my belongings and making my way down the halls.

"Y/n! Y/n, wait!" Newt called out after me.
"Yes?" I asked as he swiftly walked next to me. I'm a fast paced walker, so I was surprised he kept up.
"I just failed potions." He laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"The potion I turned in wasn't a sleeping potion. I thought he said, 'sneezing potion' and it was too late in class to fix my mistake." He explained with a grin.
"Newt!!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"Want to study potions later?" He bit his lip.

I felt my face go red.

"Sure." I squeaked, suddenly nervous.
"Love, calm down. We're just going to be studying. I won't make any moves- yet." He winked and walked away, leaving me dumbstruck.

Ayyy yer a wizard Harry!

So I feel like my author's notes are either too long or too short or too pointless, and it's not like there's a rule book for author's notes but haha alright here I am writing one that's rambling on and on.

Let's say something that isn't pointless:



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