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A project. That's all it was. It couldn't be that difficult. Ohhhhh, but it was.

"FOCUS!" I shouted as the boys that sat in front of me.
"Sorry, Y/n." Minho grinned.
"It won't happen again." Thomas smiled an even bigger smile.
"Sorry, Love." Newt shyly smiled.
"Oh no, not again with the love business." Thomas joked.
"UGH! I can't deal with you people!" I groaned, jumping up and leaving the room.

We all took the bus to Newt's house after school to finish this project that they had been slacking on.

It was Friday night, and Minho and Thomas were complaining about losing their Friday. I was silently complaining about loosing my weekend.

I ran down the stairs (Newt had a decently sized house) and sat on the patio. Simply taking a few breaths. I had to take myself away from them, otherwise things would've gotten uglier. I did not want to embarrass myself any further in front of my long time crush: Newt. Besides, he had just started calling me 'love.'

"Love?" Speak of the devil.
"H-hey." I stuttered.
"I'm sorry." He said, messing around with his hair.
"I'm just stressed about not getting this done. They're not really helping." I embarrassingly laughed.
"That's okay. I talked to them. They'll get their crap together." He nodded, sitting beside me.
"Do you come here often?" I asked.
"Are you flirting with me? Y/n, this is my home." He chuckled.
"No!" I playfully hit his shoulder, "I meant like sit on the patio!"
"Ohhhh. Not really, actually."

It was a pretty place to be. You could look out onto the country side and even see a highway with all the little cars go by.

"We should go back and work." I said. So we did.

We spent Saturday working on the project as well and Minho and Thomas really altered their working ethics. We finished it with time to spare.

We were playing foosball in Newt's basement when his mom called us upstairs to eat pizza.

"Mmmmm, pizza."

And so we brought the pizza downstairs and played foosball.

The score was tied. Minho and me vs Newt and Thomas.

I took a bite of pizza and the tension ran high.

"We can do this." I told Minho.

Thomas dropped the ball into the battlefield and we were off. That round lasted a solid five minutes before I shot it into the goal.

"YASSSSSS!" I screamed and Minho and I started freaking out.
"And it was a goalie shot! So we actually beat you by two points! Suck it!" Minho yelled.

I burst out laughing and I realized that these guys weren't so bad.

We all went to his house again on Sunday and he had a competition to see who could win the most games on Mario cart. Thomas won and I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard.

"Hahaha!" Thomas shouted.
"Y-your face!" I laughed. His facial expressions were so funny.

Before I knew it I was inviting them over to my house next Friday.

They all said that they could come and it was time for us to leave Newt's house.

Thomas and Minho both had their own cars (ugh lucky) and my older sister was picking me up, but ran late. Newt waited with me out on the patio.

"Are they starting to grow on you?" Newt asked.
"Yeah, they're pretty fun." I chuckled. "Less annoying than I thought."
"No, they're still bloody annoying."

I laughed and once my laughter died down I noticed that he was staring at me.

He started to lean in and just as our lips were about to touch my sister pulled in the driveway, honking the horn.

I internally groaned in frustration and quietly stated,
"Until next time."

Playing foosball "until the death" is so fun😂😂😂

Annnnnd I don't know what to say for an author's note. Oopsies, lol sorry guys.

Until next time! <3


Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora