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It was the bonfire for the new greenie, Thomas. The night was calm, (minus the fact that killer grievers were outside the walls) and the night sky was starry.

As I looked at the dark, beautiful, sky a memory was trying to make its way towards me. Like something attempting to float back up to the surface of the water, but never making it all the way up.

I sighed and stood up, brushing myself off. When I walked over to my best friend, Minho, I noticed he was talking to Newt.

I've liked Newt ever since I came out of the box. The way he smiles, (he rarely does, but when he lets a grin show it's marvelous) and the way he laughs. The way he talks. The way we awkwardly make eye contact sometimes...

[can I just say: LOL OMG]

I cherish every moment with him.

"Hey guys." I said.
"Y/N/N!" Minho yelled, happily.
"Hey Y/N." Newt smiled slightly.
"Want to play would you rather?" Minho asked.
"Sure," I replied, "as long as he never give me one. Minho's evil." I whispered the last part to Newt and he lightly chuckled, sending butterflies to my stomach.

We gathered up Gladers to play 'Would you rather?' and I sat I between Newt and Minho.

"Newt!" Thomas said, "Would you rather spend a week in the pit, or never speak ever again?"

That's dumb.

"Week in the pit?" He replied in a confused way. "Minho, would you rather-"

And we played for awhile. It was actually pretty fun. I learned a lot about the Gladers.

"Y/N," Gally said, "Would you rather go out with Minho or Newt?"

I felt my heart skip a beat. Minho rolled his eyes and I said slowly, "Newt."
"HOLY KLUNK!" Someone yelled.
"We all thought you and Minho were already a thing!"
"Oh my griever!"

"Shut up!" I yelled over all they're chattering. Being the idiots they are, they kept talking.

Newt leaned closer to me and asked, "You would really choose me?"
"Well, I guess I might as well tell you now. Newt- I like you. I really, really like you. I'm sorry, I should, uhh, get going and-"
"No! I- I like you too."
I grinned like an idiot for the rest of the night.

"Did you shanks finally confess your love for one another?" Minho asked us.
"Minho! Shut up!"

Hey! So I plan on posting on Sundays.

Also a couple weeks ago this book hit 100 views and now it's at 700??? That's amazing!!! And there's some people who have been voting and that's amazing as well!!! Can I just say-



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