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The poetry reading.

My friend Harriet dragged me to it and I had to bring one of my pieces.

She assured me that it was a "non judgmental environment." I wasn't sure if I wanted to believe her or not. Teachers always said that school would be a "non judgmental environment" and look how well that's turning out.

I put trust into her and went along, attempting to persuade myself into thinking that I would be alright and just to try new things.

Because I shouldn't live my life in regret.

When I started to walk up to the little café with Harriet I began to regret my decision.

"There's a lot of people here." I stated in shock.
"What did you expect?" She lightly laughed.
"I'm not sure- but I didn't expect this!" I exclaimed.
"Everything will be fine."

We ordered our coffee and sat down, enjoying the cozy vibe the place sent off.

People went up to read their poetry and I smiled. There were some pretty good writers.

Before I knew it, I had to read my poem.

Oh god...

I stood up on the mini stage and cleared my throat.

I stumbled through the first sentence, but felt stronger and annunciated more clearly during the rest of my writing. It was exhilarating. People were actually hearing what I wrote!!!

When I looked up from my paper people were clapping and I looked around. A warm feeling spread throughout my body when my eyes landed on a blonde boy.

He was absolutely adorable as he got out of the coffee line.


Each week I went back to the little café to share my poems. Each week I saw the boy there.

The first time we talked he actually asked me about one of my poems.

"I've, uh, never really was interested in poetry before I listened to you." He admitted once.
I shyly smiled and then he told me, "Oh I'm up to read."
"Wait!" I grabbed his wrist and asked in awe, "You're going to share something you wrote?!"
He just smiled slyly and walked up to the stage.

"Y/n, I don't have a way with words like the way you do, but I do know this," he began and I felt my face go red and my eyes widened, "You're absolutely breathtaking and I hope you know that you make me speechless. You're incredibly smart and talented and beautiful. I'm sorry this isn't a poem. I tried to make it one. I really did, but I ended up sounding like an idiot and I hate sounding like an idiot in front of you, Y/n. I really do."

He nodded like he was finished and the people who were familiar with who I was looked at me with a grinning face and I still felt shocked. So many people clapped at his words and he came and sat next to me.

"Y/n, are you alright? You're scaring me." He laughed nervously.
"I'm- I'm-" For the first time in my entire life I felt at a loss for words.

I leaned over, grabbing his collar and kissed him gently on the lips.

I pulled away and mumbled, "I'm elated."
"So am I." He smiled.
I smiled back.

We were both at a loss for words.



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