CH#16: Limitless Regret

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Third person P.O.V

Barry opposed his urge to give Caitlin a kiss. It seemed impossible but as he knew there were a lot changes in this timeline that he created. He knew there were going to be changes when he would stop Reverse Flash from killing Caitlin.

He dragged his attention from his love to the giant wormhole in the sky. He ran and ran over the pieces of buildings to reach the singularity. He used the swirling shards of rock and metal as steps. He kept running for everyone's sake, for Caitlin's sake. He looked down to see the man he didn't know flying towards him with flames over his whole body. He flew to the eye of the singularity and took off a red machine on his chest.

Barry's P.O.V

The man blew up and I had no choice but to run down to the of a building. I saw the same man falling down in the sky. I ran up and down, left and right and finally grabbed him at super speed. I placed him down near a bench and looked up to see that the singularity was somehow burned into nothing.

"Martin!?" The man questioned himself.

I was confused but I knew the reason. It was because the timeline had changed. He looked sadly at the sky and then I realized that the man named Martin had died.

Caitlin was running towards us. For seconds I thought she was going to hug me but she turned and hugged the man.

Cisco came gave me a hug that I accepted. Iris was also teary eyed which was another confusion. Joe then gave me a hug with the same look on his face as Iris. I turned around to find Caitlin and Ronnie kissing each other.

My head was hurting as my eyes teared up.

Third person P.O.V

Barry finally realized that he couldn't have everything he desired by time travelling. He realized that what kind of hero he would be to take a do over Everytime he made a mistake, or live with it, and move on.

He had realized that he had to live with Caitlin in a relationship. He was still grateful that she was alive.

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