37. Social Contradiction

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° Alicia °

I soon understood the dim behavior from my friends when it had been a week since Michael had spoken to me, but after I had sworn to have heard his voice last night while I slept, I believed I was going crazy.

I walked down the hallway, usually passing by Michael's unaccompanied locker which didn't seem to be happening today since he stood blankly staring into his opened locker door.

"You seem lost" I told him hesitantly, keeping my distance from him.

Michael flinched back into reality, looking to me in a confused manner, "I–I'm just tired" he said, rubbing his face from his exhaustion.

"Did you not sleep last night?" I asked him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Not really" he breathed out in a small yawn, "I couldn't quite turn my mind off from all the thoughts it was having" he explained.

I slowly nodded in understanding, beginning to step back before he turned around, and called after me.

"Ali, do you ever feel like what you're doing isn't right?" he asked me, "L–like in class, or something?"

I was caught off guard, "Uhm—I suppose so" I told him, and I watched him in angst to see if he was to confess to anything, "Why do you ask?"

"I–I've just been reconsidering a lot of things lately" he said to me, and I sighed.

I looked to Michael, desperately trying to see the affection I used to have for him again—but it never came.

"I understand what you mean" I murmured, pursing my lips, and backing away once again.

"Hey" Michael said, grabbing my hand, and quickly bringing his lips to mine.

I heavily inhaled in shock, attempting to feel any type of spark that our kiss could supply—but it never came.

I pulled away, giving him a small smile before I began to the exit of the hallway, "Mikey" I called for him, watching as he turned to me, "You left your jacket on our back porch last night" I told him, and he looked at me with tense features upon his face.

° Violet °

I leaned down to grab the water bottle out of the vending machine slot, desperately attempting to not have my books fall out of my hands as I did so.

"Vi" a soft voice called my name, and I looked up to see who it could've been, though my features dropped when I did.

I stood back up, giving him a small smile before walking passed him, and to where my friends sat.

"Violet—" he called again, trying to grasp my attention, "Don't avoid me"

I stopped, turning to him with narrowed eyes, "Don't avoid you?" I asked in offence, "Ashton, that's all you've been doing to me"

"I–I know" he stuttered out, looking at his surroundings before continuing, "Can we talk in private?" he asked, and I looked for what he'd been looking at.

Lydia stood with her own friends just across the Quad, "Oh, you don't want your girlfriend seeing you talk to me" I said in a solemn tone.

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