17. Social Paces

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° Jessa °

The morning light was the first thing to wake me up, its beams shining through Luke's curtains poked at my closed eyelids as I slept. Luke's arm shifting around my waist was the second thing, making me turn to have my body face his.

"G'morning" he mumbled in a raspy tone, greeting me with a sleepy smile.

"Morning" I whispered back, smiling at the image in front of me.

Both him and I didn't dare to move from where we lied, my cheek was pressed against his chest, and I had wanted to stay like that all day. But when his alarm clock went of, indicating it was time to get up for school, we were forced to pull away from one another.

Luke got up, grabbing a clean shirt from his closet to replace the one he had on. I watched as he pulled the shirt over his head, and chills ran through my body though I didn't know if it was from the view in front of me, or because of the coldness outside of his arms.

"Are you cold?" he asked, walking to his drawers to pick out a pair of pants.

"Just a tad" I said softly, rubbing my arms to get rid of the chills running up and down them.

"Here" Luke said, grabbing his hoodie from last night, and handing it over to me, "I wouldn't want you to freeze" he smiled warmly, and that was enough to heat up my entire body.

I gladly took his jacket, pulling it over myself, and I was immediately greeted with the glorious aroma of his scent, a mixture of his cologne and the faint smell of fresh laundry.

"I should probably get going" I said, pulling the hood of his jacket over my head, "Y'know, before my friends notice I'm gone"

"We wouldn't want that" Luke said, opening his door at the slightest to make sure no one was to see me.

We tiptoed to the front door, and I stuffed my chilled hands into the pockets of the jacket before turning around, and kissing him goodbye.

"We should do this again" Luke told me once he brought his lips away from mine, "I want to do this again"

"It's not like anything happened" I quietly told him, not wanting to wake up his roommates.

"Exactly–" he told me, "–it was just you, me, and the sheets. I cherished it" he smiled.

I pursed my lips to keep myself from blushing, pecked his lips, and left out the front door.

Attempting not to draw attention to myself, except most thought I was just a punctual student ready for school, I had successfully made it to my house, and hoped no one was awake to hear me come inside. Though that showed to have failed.

"Where have you been?" Violet asked in an intimidating whisper, "You never came back last night"

"I–I got caught up" I explained.

"With what?" Violet asked in confusion.

"Uhm—Eliot and I left campus to roam the streets, we didn't notice how late it was, and we slept at one of his friend's house" I told her, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Okay–" she said, having me sigh in such relief, "–you just had me worried"

"I was in safe hands" I assured her, which was indeed not a lie.

Violet smiled, telling me to get ready for class, to which I quickly did; rushing to the shower before anybody else took it before I did.

"Jess" Violet called from the hall, having me stop at the bathroom door, and look to her, "I've never seen that jacket before"

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