34. Social Issues

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° Jessa °

"How'd practice go?" Luke asked me as we lied back on the baseball field, pretending the dirt on our backs was the sand of a beach while we looked up at the moonlit sky.

"It went well" I said to him, playing with his fingers between mine as we spoke, "Calum says I'm doing better, but I don't really know"

"You'll ace your audition next week" he assured me, lacing his fingers over mine, "Don't worry about it"

"Yeah, but Calum also insists I should have no distractions—and you're certainly a big one" I said to him with a chuckle as I stretched up to kiss his lips.

"I can't help that I'm so distracting" he replied, and I sat up to look down to him from where he lied, "If anything I'm like your muse, like a Mona Lisa" he teased.

I snickered, playfully bumping his shoulder as he sat up along with me.

"I'm nervous" I admitted to him in a whisper.

"It's only human" he whispered back, "The nerves are there to tell you this is what you want"

"My dad's coming–" I said to him, "–to watch me audition"

"I'm sure he'll be proud" he told me, "I know that I am" Luke said, and I looked to him with a small hint of admiration.

"What would you say if I asked you why you chose to be with me?" I asked him after a small moment of silence.

Luke looked at me with small confusion, but soon enough parted his lips, "I'd say I wouldn't know, but I do know that when I saw you my heart began to race for some reason I don't know. As cliché as it sounds"

I felt my heart flutter, attempting to hide the redness in my cheeks, "And what would you say if I told you I think I'm falling for you?" I asked him before biting my bottom lip in angst.

"I'd say you're being delusional, because you're too young to know what it's like to truly fall for someone, Jess" he said to me, though I wasn't offended.

"What if I like being delusional?" I said to him.

Luke stayed silent, hesitating before he spoke, "Have you ever been with anyone besides me?" he asked.

I shook my head, looking down at his lips for a response.

"Jess, when we're older we'll meet someone we want to spend the rest of our lives with" he began, looking up at the star-filled sky, "They'll make us feel like we're the only person they need in the world, they'll be irreplaceable" he then looked at me, "But as for now, we'll both have to be delusional"

I small smile crept within my cheeks, his lips meeting mine as his hand roamed to the back of my neck.

"We should probably get back before anyone notices we're gone" I told him with his lips against mine.

Luke agreed, standing from the ground, and holding out a hand to help me up with, "Let's get cleaned up first" he said as he lifted me up, "I don't think you like waking up with dirt in your hair"

I stifled a laugh, following him to the boys locker rooms so we could wash the dirt and grime from our bodies before going back to our houses. The dark halls felt all so familiar as my hand grasped onto his through the shadows, and Luke leaned down to open the doors to the boys showers which were surprisingly unlocked.

Luke and I stripped off everything but our undergarments, stepping into our initial last shower stall as he turned on the warm water.

I began to hum small rhythms while I felt Luke's hands go from my shoulders to my hips as he'd reach over for the soap every so often. We'd mumble small nothings to each other every moment, feeling the water cascade over us.

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