27. Social Thanks (Part 2)

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° Violet °

"You've got to be kidding me" I said to them, "We haven't been to England since I was five!" I exclaimed to them.

"Which is why we're highly overdue for a trip back" my dad told us, "We'll leave January tenth, and come back on the fifteenth"

"You mean I'll miss school?" I asked him, "Dad, I can't miss school, or leave my friends for that matter"

"Violet, it'll only be for five days" my mum said to me, "You're friends will still be here when you get back"

"Yeah, I suppose" I said, thinking about being gone for an entire school week, "May I be excused?" I muttered, standing from the table, and making way to my room.

I sighed, closing the door behind me whilst I thought of what I'd do.

I hadn't been to England in ages, and after hearing there were more people back home other than my aunts and uncles, the nerves were getting more and more built up.

A small, soft knock was heard from my door, followed by my name being called.

"Vi, love, what's going on?" my dad asked as he walked into my room, "I thought you'd be excited to go back home"

"It's your's and mum's home, Dad" I told him, "I rarely remember it"

"I understand that" my father nodded, "But listen, I'm going to tell you something very significant because I think you're now mature enough to hear it" he explained to me, and I nodded in response.

"When I was a few years older than you, I had a girlfriend, a best friend, and I loved her—very much. She got hooked onto something she couldn't control, and she passed away much earlier than she should have" he told me, and I was caught off guard to the story as I swallowed hardly to hide my emotion to the subject (gif), "Before you were born, my close friends and I would have a small reunion on the anniversary of her death so we wouldn't have to be alone" he said to me in a neutral tone, "It was in January, I've missed quite a few being with you and your mother. But her and I think your old enough to go back"

I managed a smile, "You've never gotten this personal with me before" I said to him in a teasing manner, "I am excited to go back, and see everybody"

"And if you end up not having a good time, I'll let you drag me to the shopping centre or something" he chuckled, and I nodded in enthusiasm.

"Why do I have a feeling this isn't the only personal thing I don't know about you and mum?" I asked him in a hesitant tone.

"Because it's not" he simply said.

° Juliet °

"So, am I a good kisser?" Michael asked me as we sat on my bed with various opened candy wrappers and soda bottles.

I looked up at him strangely, "I'm not answering that" I told him, popping M&M's in my mouth as I talked.

"Come on, no strings attached. I just have to know" he urged me to answer, and I eventually rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Out of the three guys I've ever kissed, you're in the top three" I told him with a laugh, and he playfully narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'd say I'm number one" Michael said to me, "You did draw it"

I tensed, uncomfortably shifting in my position on the bed.

Though Michael noticed the sudden tension, "Juliet, it was a raw moment. It's your job as an artist to capture that" he assured me.

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