6. Social Sessions

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° Violet °

"Can you explain to me the significance of a beaker?" Ashton popped up behind me, with a pen and paper in hand as he leaned against the lab station.

"Why do you need to know the significance of a beaker?" I asked with a giggle.

He shrugged, "I was bored, and needed an excuse to start a conversation" he tossed the pen and paper aside, "So how's the math situation?"

"Better" I explained as I continued my science work, "I got my dad to help me out"

"You know, I could've helped you" Ashton told me, to which I raised an eyebrow to, "Okay—okay, I suck at maths"

I playfully shook my head, looking to the clock, seeing class was about to end, I began to put my stuff away.

Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I quickly turned accidentally running into Ashton, feeling my heart race at his touch.

His hand came to my waist to stop me from tripping over him, which led him to tighten his grip on my hip before he realised what he was doing, and quickly take his hand away.

"Whoa–" he let out a nervous laugh, "–careful there"

I half smiled, hearing the bell ring throughout the classroom.

"Hey, Vi" Ashton called before I was able to leave, "I've got a story to do after school, would you like to help me out with it?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck.

I nodded with an ecstatic smile, "Absolutely" I replied before agreeing to stay in class with him.

I made my way to Physical Education class, dodging passed opened lockers, and falling notebooks, but a smile remained on my face.

For the past month, I had been attempting to refuse to believe I fancied Ashton, which led to my friends constant opposing arguments, along with my inner conscience's arguments as well.

Ashton and I were great friends, but I felt like if we were to get closer, the stronger my feelings would become; and I was both excited and petrified of that.

"So how was Science class?" Alicia asked the second I sat down on the bench next to my p.e. locker.

"Boring" I replied, bringing my fingers to the combination lock.

"We all know that's not what she meant, Vi" Jessa said cheekily, making me roll my eyes, and laugh.

"We rarely talked, all he did was invite me to stay after school with him" I explained, opening my locker door, and taking out my work out clothes to begin changing.

"You two have surely been spending a lot of time together" Juliet sang, having me give her a playful stare.

I wanted to say the same for her and Michael, but the fact that they were genuinely just studying, and Michael's girlfriend was sitting right next to me didn't support my action.

"He's just teaching me about writing" I told them, "It's normal for the older students to teach the younger ones the ethics of the class"

Alicia, Juliet, and Jessa continued to deny everything I would say about Ashton.

This lasted nearly the entire day, since at least one of them was in almost all my classes. It was when I was in Journalism class that my excitement overcame my terror.

"We're splitting the class into two today" our teacher, Ms. Lyons, announced, "The newspaper team on my right side, and the journalism class on the other" she motioned with her hands on the opposite sides of the massive classroom.

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