15. Social Clarity

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° Violet °

I rushed for the computer, quickly accepting the video call, and letting myself fall onto the desk chair whilst we waited for the call to get connected.

"What exactly does your family want to talk about?" Alicia asked, having me shrug.

"I guess we'll just have to improvise" I said to all of them, though I was ready to pour my heart out.

We greeted my abundance of family members, half of them not even being literal family, but that was no matter, point was there was a lot of us so allow me to break it down.

My Uncle Liam is my mother's brother, though my Uncle Louis is my mother's best friend and my godfather, but I call him my uncle for the fun of it. Now my Aunt Gemma is my father's sister, though my Auntie Genessa, is my father's best friend and my godmother, and I call her my aunt for the same reason as I call Lou my uncle, for the fun of it. For the sake of confusion, I'll be calling them just by their first names.

"Tell me again why we couldn't get on a phone call, talking to you lot always lags my internet" Gen acknowledged, making me giggle.

"Always peachy, Gen" Louis commented, with a wave toward my friends and I.

"Oh, how I love hearing your family bicker" Jessa snickered, sitting next to me in front of my computer screen, "Hey, guys"

They all exclaimed Jessa's name, repeating a handful of 'hello's and 'how are you's.

Jessa and I have been friends since we were in diapers, when my father met hers at a quaint park, we've all known one another for the longest, as well as has gotten closer over the years. Juliet and Alicia came later toward the end of primary school, but since then we considered each of our families our own, though there were exceptions.

"Okay, so we gathered this call as a sort of therapy session" Liam began, "You girls will be our clients, we're the therapists, now who would like to go first?"

"Wait, what if I want to talk about what's going on in my life?" Gemma asked, having Liam look at his screen blankly.

"You're a lawyer, what interesting could be happening?" Gen laughed, along with Louis.

"A lot of things" Gemma defended, going through a thought process before shaking her head, "Never mind, my life is boring"

"We're not young anymore" Louis said, "Which is why we have to feed of your lives, now who wants to go first again?"

When no one spoke up, I parted my lips, "I—uh" I stuttered, about to talk about Ashton, "Jessa's going over to a boy's house everyday" I blurted out, having her look to me in offence.

"For tutoring" she defended, hearing Juliet and Alicia get closer on the bed toward us.

"You still fancy him don't you?" I said, hearing everyone on the call snicker along with Juliet and Alicia.

"Really, I thought it was you who did?" Jessa said with a smirk, having me open my mouth in shock to the statement.

"Oh shit, I'm getting into this" I heard Gen say, and I kept myself from laughing.

"It was an accident" I widened my eyes, hearing Liam begin to exclaim.

"Time out, time out!" he said breathless from the laughing, "This isn't how therapy sessions happen, so who wants to explain what's going on?"

I sighed, looking to Jessa waiting for me to go on with a sly smile, and risen eyebrows.

But instead, Juliet leaned forward and called from the bed, "There's this boy—"

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