12. Social Outlooks

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° Juliet °

I scribbled on a small sticky note at my desk, with my book in one hand, and my legs crossed while I sat in my chair.

The morning began rather calmly, I woke up before Violet and Jessa, as always, and decided to skip breakfast until first break.

Change was something I was usually terrified of, which is why I place myself in the problems I face, but this type of change I felt was for the better. Of course not better for my health, but it was a step. Either way, all I did was reschedule breakfast, and I was panicking.

I attempted to distract myself by finishing the last bits of homework for the very class I sat in, so as I marked the pages in my classic novel, Mrs. Tucker watched me with ease.

I was the only one in class, saying it was too early for anyone else to be here, therefore the silence was something to be accustomed to. So when the sound of shuffling footsteps approached me, I didn't care to look up since I believed them to belong to my teacher.

Though when the soft, yet raspy voice spoke to me, I froze.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Michael asked in annoyance, and offense.

I breathed in shakily, placing a folded sheet of paper in my novel to be bookmarked, and setting it down.

"You can't blame me" I said softly, keeping my eyesight to my sticky note, and leaning back in my chair.

"You're right, I can't" he told me, making me look up at him since I didn't expect the response, "But you can't blame me for being worried"

I opened my mouth, about to yell at him before realizing we were still in a classroom; and I stood from my table, grabbed his hand, and pulled him out and into the hallway.

"Don't go on about being worried about me" I yelled in a whisper, "Don't try to deceive me by using the word worry instead of pity"

"I don't pity you Juliet!" he exclaimed, "I've never pitied you! All I've ever done is admire every ounce of you—"

"You shouldn't be admiring me, Michael!" I yelled, seeing the statement affect him in no way since he already knew this.

"I can't help it Jules" he said in a breathless tone, taking a step closer to me, "All I could think of the past week is you, and I can't wrap my head around being with Alicia, and having feelings for you"

I tensed my jaw, taking a step towards him as well, "Then stop having feelings for me" I told him, turning to walk away, but having my wrist being grasped tightly to keep me from continuing.

"I can't" Michael clenched his jaw, narrowing his eyes at me while his fingers were wrapped around my wrist, "That's something easier said than done, Juliet"

I looked at him, begging for him to tell me this was a joke, and that he and I truly were just friends. But when that didn't come, I parted my lips, and choked.

"Love her, Michael. Please love Ali—" I was mid-statement before Michael tugged on my arm, and led me behind a series of locker doors.

He firmly pressed his lips to mine for the second time, his cheeks feeling moistened from the tears he had been forcing back; and Michael wasn't one to cry.

I brought my hands to his on top of my cheeks, and pulled away, "Please Michael" I muttered, "If not for her, for me, please" I told him, wiping the moisture from his eyes.

"Stop toying with me" I whispered to him.

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