*sighs* yeah. im working on it. its gonna be difficult since i have to spend the rest of this week at home and....you know, you arent gonna be there.

yeah. i cant say itll be easy on my side either. he merely takes your place when fucking and cuddling and even with that he is barely scraping by. i had grown to love it when me and you would cuddle and you would press that big beautiful ass against me. muu has a little butt. no jiggle whatsoever so im making it but just barely

*moment of silence* why you always gotta bring up my ass?

its my favorite part of your body. just like your favorite part of my body is my penis

i....i like other stuff about your body too

its ok to be honest. we both have great bodies, babe. we just also have favorites too. i love to kiss you and hug you and cuddle with you and play with your ass, in that order

more like reverse order

either way i still love ya

*nervous chuckling* i love you too

im gonna grab a bite to eat. from the groaning im hearing in the background, id say muu has discovered that i abandoned him to talk to my kakashi. ill talk to you tomorrow. try to get some sleep. i know you are used to my wonderful bulge pressed against you but you will have to make due just like me


i want you to send me a selfie right now

....bye, john


***end call***

i had just put my phone away when muu finally walked into the kitchen. he had put his bandages back on, along with some jogging pants and a tee. "hey sleepy head. want some...dinner?" i pointed to the chicken i was sautéing in butter with broccoli. "im not hungry," he grunted as he went right to the fridge. he pulled out a huge water bottle, parted the bandages covering his mouth a little, and proceeded to down the whole thing. "are ya sure? im a pretty good cook," i said. he stopped drinking and glared at the food. "how many calories? how much salt? how much fat?" he asked as he looked at them. "two tablespoons of unsalted butter, boneless skinless chicken breasts, pinch of pepper, pinch of low sodium salt, tablespoon of half and half and unsalted cheese on the broccoli," i said as i started dishing them up. his eyes widened in surprise. "hey, this body dont stay rocking eating pizza and fried chicken every day," i handed him a plate. he stared at the plate as he took it. i made my way to the living room and took a seat. i flipped on the tv and started eating. he came in a few minutes later wolfing down the plate, almost finishing when he sat down. "calm down! its not going anywhere," i grunted as i ate my chicken.

we watched tv for a little while. "want some dessert?" i asked as i stood up and took our plates into the kitchen. "...yeah?" he didnt seem sure. i dug out some bittersweet chocolate chips, oatmeal, the rest of the unsalted butter, low carb sugar, brown sugar, and some flour and made cookies. i put them in the oven. "they will be done in ten minutes," i said as i pulled out some vanilla yogurt. i mixed in some half and half and whipped cream before putting it in the freezer. i joined him on the sofa. "you.....can cook?" he muttered, looking at me with wide eyes. "i am a jack of all trades," i smirked. we enjoyed the cookies and frozen yogurt for dessert. it was delicious cause i made it and i know how to cook. we had watched tv till about two in the morning before i was actually starting to be tired again. "im going to bed," i said as i got up. he just watched me walk away.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now