chapter 28

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Your POV:

"UGH, will somebody tell me what happend already?!?" You screamed in agitation.

"Fine if you insist." Said an unrecognizable voice.

"1 week ago, you were sitting in your parent's private meeting room and you were discussing something of importance with your friends correct? Don't answer thay, of course you were. Well, all your frieds are in this room, but since you are incapable of talking really I'll tell them the rest of the story on your behalf. She was telling you about the maid? Well, (Y/N), it's about time you learn what this whole war is even about.
2,000 years ago, your parents and Gabriel broke a law, that law was to never kill any of your kind, if you did you would be felt with immediately. Getting an immediate execution , but your parents, didn't accept that fate. You parents are the cause, because them and Gabriel worked together to kill kill the next leader of their kind, but what they did, did not kill it or do anything that they were hoping for, it did the made that person stronger and that person was you. Your mother stuck herself with a holy blade and enchanted with a forbidden spell that was taught to her by Gabriel and sliced your head off. Usually when that happens to a baby they die instantly, but you didn't. That is why you are a sin and a vital part in the war. Because none of this would have happened if you were never created to take the throne.
When they sensed your mother's blood the guards came and saw what she had done and they did the only thing they could...put a curse upon them all. The 1,000 years curse. You only are given this curse for two reasons, but this is surprising. The fact that you carry this burden within you just because you were your mother's second child how does this make you feel.
The reason of the war is only because they are both fighting over you. And you are the only one who chooses how it ends and you know it, don't you? You can answer now
Here is something you didn't know whichever side you go on the other one faces death...only if the crimes committed deserved it. The whole world has been put on a chessboard and this match is between you and your parents. Demon strength does harm your kind, but after being stabbed with one as a fetus it doesn't affect you at all
You looked at him with a confused face. What was he talking about? All of this is because of her...and they are fighting for her? Are my parents really bad? Are my siblings aware of this? And that doesn't explain this marking.The real question is, why didn't anyone tell me what happened?
"I understand, sir, but can you please tell me about this marking."
"Ah yes the marking I almost forgot to tell you. That is the symbol of death."
The man stopped talking you were about to ask him more, but he continued talking.
"As you may know you choose how the world is going to end. And 1 week ago you almost ended it. That marking connects you to all the pain and suffering of all people, every time you meet a new person or simply travel past them and vice versa. That marking didn't engrave itself in you until Gabriel walked in correct?"
" it was before he had touched earth. So it couldn't have possibly-"
"Was he coming to earth? Not touching earth, but did he break through the sound barrier when you felt that surge of pain?"
No answer
"Just tell me the truth nobody is going to angry with you for it."
No answer.
"Would you rather me call him down to earth and see for myself, because I know you know this."
My nervousness could be sensed by the nonhumans in the room as I began to have a very worrisome feeling in my heart. No one dared to read my thoughts at the moment. And just like that it happened.
He whispered," Gabriel can we talk for a moment? I would love it if you could accompany me here in this story."
And like that he was coming.
I was holding the pain in as I remembered he said I feel their pain and suffering. This would be the 2nd time I encountered him so-
"Wrong, when he noticed he caused you pain and placed a hologram in the room. If you can't handle a hologram, I wonder how your going to respond to the real thing." He said with a smirk.
And just like that he broke the sound barrier. We don't tell humans that until they see the light, nut now they probably figured out that lie.
"The reason you are here, is because as you know your kind fight over leadership. But you can't really face them if you have to take on all their pain and suffering. Your at your castle. Your friends are here as well. You were locked down so you won't try and rip that pretty little arm of yours off. And also because your pale which is because of your lack of food and so if you decided to feed now it wouldn't be from me."
And with that the light started flowing in the building. Great now we get to see Gabriel. Wait what is that?!? Noo way...
Gabriel is riding a unicorn!?! Gabriel is riding a unicorn
Oh god. I mean what is he...why is he...I can't even think of what to say. It seems like I wasn't the only clueless one in the room. Once his 'Unicorn Friend' had landed I walked over to Gabriel with a look of confusion and he walked in and explained it to us the best way we could.
"Heaven has many animals that get to frolic and play all year long, just not the unicorns. They are locked away in their stables all day long and never get to walk freely so I just wanted to take one on a walk that's all." He explained
"But your suppose to be a fierce and scary messenger of God aren't you? Then why the heck are you riding here on a unicorn? No really just look at it like we see it.


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Like really how? I can't even combined the images in my brain

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Like really how? I can't even combined the images in my brain. He put his hand on my shoulder and it happened again, but this time worse. A painful smile made its way to my face as I sat down looking towards my friends and family with pain evident in my eyes. I feel like I was about to die. All I have to do is keep my fangs from breaking way through my gums as I began to sweat. I don't know how much longer I can keep it up. Gabriel sensed it so did everyone else. I looked at my right arm and saw the engraved marking spread farther down my arm burning more of my skin off. Everyone quickly turned to me due to my marking going farther down my arm covering about half my bicep. I looked at my arm and it had writing on it. It's in Latin let's see what it says. It reads, "Et passionis in corde patiuntur obnubilatus removens ab aliis. purificate corda aliis. Which means, experience and passion in his heart enveloped removing it from the others. purify your hearts to others. That means that if as I allow their suffering and pain into me I take it from them which is purification which purifies others and taints my heart in the process correct?" I asks staring intensively at the new marking that was burnt into my arm.
"Yes, and since you are becoming better aware of your surroundings I guess I can introduce myself. We've met once before, here's a hint I'm a demon who can summon an angel without it being kill or be killed. The last time we saw each other I was in this castle with you. And when we first met I was a store clerk. Ok guess no peaking."
Who could it be? It knocks out any demon I know 1:1 store clerk. Wait, it can't be...
"Connor?!?" I screamed.
"Yes it is me. I didn't think you would guess. And by the way, if you haven't noticed your welcome for the bandages. The bandages and the constant putting you to sleep finally healed you and it took a whole week.
"Now I'm leaving, but we will see each other very soon. You guys keep an eye on her especially you-you got that...Ciel? Ok I'm leaving, but I will be coming back soon to see how this all plays out, but remember don't rip that arm off and call Gabe the unicorn boy and me when it covers your whole arm. Bye now."
And like that, they were gone, and I have no idea where. No, wait I do, Gabriel is giving Connor a ride on the unicorn. Oh boy.

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