Chapter 26

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(1 hour earlier)
Sebastian's POV:
Agni and I have been searching for places all over till we both thought of something....what if the place is blocking us from sensing it? At first I he didn't believe that it could even be a possibility, but after speaking I convinced him of it. We finally located the place, but then we noticed why we couldn't get in...the access point was under protection, but we managed to convince him to let us in.
"Agni, so this must be the place, and my guess it that it must be that way," I said pointing straight where maybe 150 creatures were guarding.
"Yuck, what is that foul scent? So many different creatures all together that may not work too well. This isn't the best conditions for my master to be walking through. I will just have to fix that." I said taking out my knifes.
I really need to get more cutlery for the kitchen soon.

Your Mother's POV:
(you can give her a name if you so please)
Well, hmm I knew the time would fly quickly before they found us, but they could have took their time. Prince Soma startled me when he stood up.

"Ha. They are coming to rescue us! I thought this day would never come." He said in tears. What a drama queen 😒 I'm really getting sick of his voice.

"Prince Soma, say another word and I will kill you." I exclaimed out of aggravation. I knew I needed to calm down when my husband put his hand on my shoulder. He really knows how to calm me down until Miss Elizabeth walks over to him. With my expert hearing I and basically everyone else in the room heard what she told him.

"Prince Soma, whatever you do...please I beg you, please don't tell Ciel about Lady (F/N). I don't want you to die. None of us do, but-" then she was cut off by my eldest son.

"But- you already are too late. But, at least you changed the future. Now Mother won't be the one who must kill him. Here's why. He already told Ciel what he knew he wasn't suppose to, but I'll finish the story when our guest arrive, but I don't know if our guest will be alive to hear it." He said with a smirk.

Before anyone could say anything by husband put down the barriers and let our "guests" in.

We then saw the door burst wide open to see just the people I expected Sebastian, who must have gotten into a serious fight with security because of his bloody gloves and shredded tailcoat, and then Agni, the guy with an iron fist. He must have been in a tough situation because he isn't covering it up. Well I guess it is all about to go down, let's see how this one ends, shall we?

Eldest Brother's POV: (give them all names if you want I don't feel like you guys criticizing any of the names I would choose)
"Perfect timing we were waiting for you, what took you so long we already unlocked the doors leading here?" I said. I noticed the tall man pulling out 4 knives, and I stopped him.
"Wait, hold on we aren't trying to harm anyone here we just wanted to talk, that's all." I said with a kind smile, well...not before putting a barrier around the room a force field around everyone to make sure everyone is safe as well as in this room.
"Now its story time!" I said cheerfully.
"Once upon a time-"
"Oh is this a fairytale?" Elizabeth asked just as cheerfully.
"Um, no Miss Elizabeth all of this really happened," I said a little less enthusiastic.
"Anyway, you guys wouldn't know this unless she told you but I doubt it that the day she put her fangs in Ciel's neck she committed a great sin, well there is a lot more than that so pay attention I don't like to repeat myself.
During the 18th century (Y/N) here on our trip to Germany didn't want us to get out futures read. It wasn't like a little fraud telling you you're cursed just for money it was was a real wahrsager (aka fortune teller) we got good ones like great spouses, money,and fame, but then it was her turn to go. She was against it at first,but we made her go. Unlike us her fortune was...different, she got the worst readings; Wheel of fortune in the past, death in the downwards position as present, and Ten of swords upright as a future.

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