Chapter 18

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Ciel's POV:

"What is going on here? Why are you yelling Alois?" (Y/N) asked.

"(Y-Y-Y/N), what are you doing here?" Ciel questioned.

"I believe that it doesn't concern you, but Alois, Lizzy, and I were doing some shopping." (Y/N) stated.

"I believe that the last time we saw each other I told you that I only show pure hatred towards you. And right now even if we are in a store I'm not afraid to bear my arms against you Phantomhive."

"Ms. (L/N), I recommend that you not threaten my master like that."

"What would you do if I did?"

"Nothing unless you took actions-"

"So you basically handle all of Ciel's problems since he is incapable of fighting for himself, Sabastian?"

At this question I flinched. Did she really just ask that? I can handle myself just fine ask anyone! Not like she is any better....she is a weakling herself she has no right to talk about me.

"My butler doesn't handle all of my problems I can handle myself perfectly fine! Better than you at least." I angrily commented.

"Really now? Why don't we put it to the test?" She noted.

"I don't think that now is a good time we are in a new store and it would ruin both of our reputations and images if we battled here wouldn't it?" I said cleverly.

"Good point come to the Trancy manor and we will fight there. You can use anything except for your butler." She stated.

"Ok anything except for my butler right?" I confirmed.

"Only yourself and inanimate objects understand?" She stated.

"Ok fine." I agreed.


Your POV:

"(M/N), it has been a while since we seen each other report to my side immediately."

In a second my butler appeared in front of me smiling.

"Countess, why have you called me all of the sudden did you miss me? I was worried for you and your safety."

"Thanks for the concern. I really did miss you a lot." I said shedding a few tears.

"Countess, your crying. All because you missed a demon?"

"Yep." I said after stopping the tears.

"Actually I am having a battle in a few moments and I wanted you to watch can you?" I asked.

"Yes I do have a lot of spare time." (M/N) said.

"Yay!! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Countess if I may ask, why are you so fancied up for a fight?"

"Oh, I have a business meeting to go after this...this fight isn't going to take long."

"Are you sure because Sabastian is a skilled fighter and-"

"I'm not fighting Sabastian I'm fighting Ciel."

"Oh well makes sense he has his butler do all of his dirty work countess, so we can only wonder his power."

"Yes I'm interested to, but I already know I'm stronger. Their is power I possess that I couldn't even count."

"By the way (M/N), can you go and feed my mother for me it would help out a lot and if she bothers you beat her, but be back in time for the fight ok. This is an order."

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