Do you remember?

149 17 3

Holy shit! My head feels like it is in a vice!
I can hear my blood crashing in my ears as it pulses and my head feels like it's trying to squeeze my brain out my ears.

I tentatively open my eyes to test them out. I crack one open and then the other letting the darkness of the room envelope me. I close one trying to focus with the other and look around. The red numbers of clock on the side table read 4:30am. At least I can try and sleep a bit longer before having to attempt to get up. Wait! I don't have a clock like that!!

Flinging both eyes open I look around the room trying to figure out where I am but all I can make out are dark outlines because of the blackout blinds. I lift the covers up and realise I'm in my underwear and my heart nearly skyrockets out my throat! Who's bed am I in with just my bra and pants on?? Now noticing the large hand splayed across my stomach I follow it up turning myself to look at who it's connected to.

"Thank God" I whisper out. It's Jonah. I know he wouldn't of taken advantage of me when I was so drunk last night.

Taking the opportunity while he sleeps I move the long bit of his hair away from his face and stroke his cheek. He looks so peaceful and his handsome features are breathtaking. Looking at his plump pink lips I have the sudden urge to kiss him but hold myself back knowing I can't do that.

Suddenly I get a flash back of last night. Jonah with his hands on my hips whispering how beautiful he thinks I am. Him telling me that he wants me to remember last night and most of all I feel all the sensations he ignited within me with just one kiss.

I place my hand to my lips remembering the taste of rum from his drink but also the sweetness of him. Smiling to myself I let myself believe that something could happen between us but then brush it off as drunk chat.

I slowly wiggle out from the bed needing to use the toilet and in desperate need of some water to try and tamper the oncoming hangover I'm going to have when I wake again.

Tiptoeing out of the room I head to the toilet in the hall so as not to wake Jonah and then head downstairs for water. I search the cupboards finding two glasses and down two large pint glasses of water. On my third glass I fill mine and Jonah's and look in the cupboards to see if I can find paracetamol.

"If you're looking for paracetamol try the small cupboard beside the cooker" I hear a male voice say from behind me making me slam the cupboard shut.

I spin around and I'm met with Kyles smirking face. "Kyle! You nearly gave me heart failure!" I screech holding my hand to my racing heart as if that would calm it.

"And you've gave me a stiffy so I think we're even" he says laughing walking towards me.

"A what?" I ask confused.

"You think seeing you in your underwear wouldn't make a guy hard?" He questions raising an eyebrow as he steps in front of me.

Underwear? "Shit!" I shout trying to cover myself. "I totally forgot where I was!" I try to explain taking a few steps back from his advancing form but end up bumping into the kitchen counter trapping myself from moving anymore.

"So what your saying is you usually walk around in your underwear?" He says putting his arms either side of me boxing me in "that's an image I'd like to think about some more" he breathes.

"K-Kyle. Stop messing around" I stutter out pushing him out of my face.

"Who's messing around Olivia. You look amazing in just that. I could get use to this if this is how you greet me every time I come home" he says smiling.

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