Halloween (Part2)

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Pulling up outside the Thistle Night Club I was feeling more confident than what I did this afternoon. I know it's definitely the alcohol but I try not to think about that and decide to focus on having a good time.

Hopping out the taxi we head for the front door towards the burley bouncer who on closer inspection reminded me of John Cena. Scarlett speaks to him and he checks his list letting us in with a smile, smiling back he winks at me making me blush looking down at my feet.

We walk through the front door and are met with darkness with intermittent lights coming on and off showing skeletons and ghosts on the walls. Following the corridor hand in hand we continue heading further into the building and closer to the loud dance music playing.

Pushing through a black curtain we come into a large room with two levels. There were various Halloween figurines around the room with streamers coming down from the roof, smoke effects and dark coloured strobe lights flashing. There were a lot of bodies in a variety of costumes but not as much as I first expected which I think is helping to keep my anxiety down.

"There aren't going to be too many people Liv if that's what your worried about? It's a guest list party so shouldn't get overcrowded" she states looking at me and I frown at her wondering how she read my mind. "You tenses up and I could feel you shifting about looking around you so I know you were looking to see where the exits were and how many people were here" she says laughing and I am shocked at how well she knows me.

"Will we go get a drink and look for the boys?" She asks.

Not giving myself time to feel self conscious I say yes and Libby takes my arm leading the way. "Can you see Ant?" I ask looking around with her but she shakes her head.

Suddenly a set of arms come round my waist squeezing me tight making me jump. "Boo!" A voice says in my ear.

Spinning round I'm met with a warm muscular bare chest. Looking up I see it's Jonah's warm hazel eyes and big grin. "Ow! What was that for?" He asks rubbing his chest where I hit him smiling.

"You gave me a fright!" I shout over the music.

Pulling me to his chest he hugs me "I've missed you" he whispers in my ear causing goosebumps over my arms and up the back of my neck. Taking a step back to clear my head I smile blushing "me too"

Looking at him I see he's dressed as a gladiator. He has the leather fringed skirt, gladiator sandals, leather cuffs , some sort of leather collar around his neck that's goes on to his chest and a plastic dagger in his sandal strap. He looks good enough to eat! His broad shoulders and sculptures chest begged for me to touch him. It's the alcohol!

Reaching my hand out he watches me step closer to him and I rest my hand on his chest letting the alcohol lead my way. I've never seen him shirtless before and he has an amazing body with an six pack and that v leading into his skirt like the guy from the pool.

He puts his hand over mine and I could swear I felt him shudder. "You finished checking me out now?" He laughs and I nod looking into his smouldering eyes.

"Yup!"! I say popping the p. "You can't have all that on display and not touch the goods" I laugh out and keep laughing when I see his shocked face. Maybe Scarlett is right? Drink makes me better.

Holding my hand in his he pulls me along the counter to Scarlett. She's found Ant who is dressed up as a Greek in a white toga, gold laurel leaf around his head and sandals on, they are both talking with a blonde shirtless guy who I assume is Kyle.

"You look amazing in that outfit Olivia" Jonah says leaning into my ear.

"Thanks" I say blushing. "You don't look too bad yourself" I wink, tweaking his nipple making him gasp and carry on to Scarlett with him following behind.

What I Deserve ( ON HOLD) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz