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"C'mon sleeping beauty" Jonah nudges me waking me up.

"I wasn't sleeping. I was resting my eyes" I slur out making the taxi driver and Jonah laugh. "Hey I wasn't" I defend laughing at myself when I see the guys faces.

Jonah leans in extending his hand but I wave him off not wanting him to struggle trying to help me out.

Thanking the driver I shimmy over the seat and climb out hoping I kept my modesty on the way.

Jonah takes my hand and walks me up to the house. "I love when you hold my hand. It feels right inside yours" I say dreamily not putting my filter in place. Shut up Liv! He doesn't say anything but squeezes my hand smiling down at me opening the door to the house.

Feeling awkward I pull my hand away and walk inside. Jonah closes the door and heads towards the kitchen. When he walks past me I laugh out loud realising that he's still dressed as a gladiator looking down at myself I laugh more realising I'm batgirl. "What's so funny?" Jonah asks stopping at the fridge.

"I kinda forgot you and I were dressed up for a moment their till I seen you hot body" I say but then fling my hand to my mouth realising I'm just saying my thoughts out loud.

"Hot body eh?" Noah smirks putting two bottles of water on the table and walking over to me standing inches from me. "Do you think I'm hot Livvy?" Jonah asks keeping the smirk on his face.

"I love that you call me Livvy" I say breathlessly. "No one calls me Livvy" I smile staring straight at him.

"Well I won't call you anything else then, Livvy" he breaths into our space. I press my hands to his chest not knowing if I want to pull him to me or put space between us.

"Wow! Those are impressive." I say moulding my hands around his pecks causing him to take a sharp intake. Looking up at him his eyes seem to hold me in place and have lightened in colour looking more hazel than brown.

His body is so strong under my hands. I let them slide down his body to his abs and I feel him shudder as I feel the ridges his abs make in his stomach. What are you doing? Laughing at myself for getting carried away I take a step back and lean across the table to get a bottle of water. "Sorry" I blush taking a drink of my bottle.

"What are you sorry for?" Jonah asks not moving from my side.

"I shouldn't of been touching you like that. I just got carried away" I say blushing "your body is so strong. Mark worked out but he has nothing on you and I just couldn't help myself"

"You can get carried away any time you like" he says putting some hair behind my ear and bopping my nose.

This is why I can't let myself get carried away. That's the type of thing you would do to a little sister isn't it? not someone you would ever be interested in. Giving myself a mental shake I put some distance between us and head for where I remember the living room being.

"What's wrong?" Jonah asks following me.

"Nothing" I say waving him off. "I'm just tired"

"Well let's just head up the stairs then. C'mon sleepy head" he says taking my hand heading up the stairs.

Following along he leads me up and down a corridor. Opening up a door he puts the light on and pulls me in. "Welcome to my room" he says smiling.

His room is about the same size as mine. It has a large kingsize bed in the middle with silver and black stripped covers. He has some weights in the corner, a large tv on the wall, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and a pin board on the wall with pictures on it. His room is painted a grey colour and has black accessories. The other thing that strikes me is that everything is neat and tidy.

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