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The month of September has flown by and now it's nearly the end of October. I have been snowed under with research and course work. Jonah and I have got into a bit of a routine of going to the library after Uni or coming back to mine to study.

Scarlett has been given the lead in Romeo and Juliet so she has been rehearsing for the Christmas show and if she hasn't been doing that she has been with Anthony. They are now officially together and they both seem head over heels for each other.

I on the other hand haven't had much luck with guys, well except from Stephen in my Counselling class who is overly flirty and a bit full on but I think it's more because I'm not interested in him that he's interested in me if you know what I mean?

I've also been trying to eat healthier and don't get me wrong I feel better but the weight isn't going anywhere so I've decided to add some exercise into my small changes plan and obviously try and cut down my crisps even more *sigh*

This is why I am currently staring at myself in a mirror in the changing room of the Universities pool at six in the morning contemplating my choices. Swimsuits and me have always been an issue. I love them but they don't love my body. I have chosen a black one piece with a halter neck that makes my boobs look amazing even if I do say so myself. I've got my hair up in a messy style bun and no make up, no one wants panda eyes.

Taking a deep breath I fix my tie at the back of my neck to make sure my boobs won't escape, pulling myself up straight breathing in, I grab my towel and head to the poolside.

Walking out the first thing I notice is how quiet it is and I smile to myself, excited that I might be able to get in and get out without anyone seeing me.

Hanging my towel over the railing and putting my shampoo/conditioner and shower gel on the ground beside it. I head over and stand under the shower then walk to the shallow end getting in. I move over to the set up lanes and start to swim the front crawl.

After my first turn I feel like my pace is too fast because I'm breathing too fast but then I feel like my lungs are burning and my legs feel like jelly. What's going on? I use to swim competitively when I was younger and could do thirty lengths without even thinking about it. This should be easy for me. Why am I struggling and I am only on number two.

Grabbing on to the ledge I take a few deep breaths and turn pushing off again and swim to the other side. Determined not to stop I try to swim through the pain in my lungs and turn heading back kicking off the wall. Half way across I miss a stroke and end up taking in some water making me cough and tread water panting heavily.

Deciding it might be the stoke I'm doing I continue the rest of the way doing the breathstroke but I still struggle. Standing up in the shallow end I slap the water "argh! Stupid lungs!" I shout to myself feeling frustrated at my fitness level. Realising that I'm the only one to blame for my weight and current situation I get even more frustrated and splash the water and I can feel the tears coming. Wiping furiously at my eyes I lean my head against the edge of the pool trying to calm my breathing.

"Hey you okay?" I hear an unfamiliar male voice say over my shoulder causing me to gasp sloshing around to see who it is.

In my haste I accidentally churned up the water and it splashed his face. "I'm so sorry" I say reaching out to wipe the water out his eyes but stop my hands from moving any further when I get a proper look at him.

The guy in front of me is a hottie! He has shaggy strawberry blonde hair that falls into his eyes which are sky blue and he has freckles over his nose and cheekbones giving him a childish face but his body is all power. He has muscles on top of muscles from what I can see of his shoulders and chest where I watch the water slide down the curves of his pecks going back into the water.

What I Deserve ( ON HOLD) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang