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We parked Scarlett's Mercedes in the students parking and headed into the courtyard of the University of Edinburgh.

It was a grand stone building that made you feel like you were taking a step back in time looking at the structure and features but I guess that could be due to it being built in 1582.

There were students wandering everywhere and I had no clue where I was meant to go. I unfortunately have a tendency to leave things to the last minute or allow things to slip my mind not intentionally but I have so much going on in my brain that if I don't do it when I think about it , it's gone.

"Right I need to go to the Performing Arts building and you need to go to the Psychology department. From the map they look to be in the opposite sides of the building so we will meet up here when we're finished ok?" She asks and I nod still trying to take in all the people milling around me. "Make sure you text me when you finish and where you are sitting and if I'm done first a'll text you" she hugs me and starts walking in the other direction. At least one of us read the guide.

Watching her walk away I envy her. She has an air of confidence around her. She is laid back and will talk to anyone but if you upset her she is passionate and has a temper on her and you will know if she doesn't like something. She is also stunning. She is 5ft9, red hair, blue eyes and the biggest smile with perfect white teeth. She always dresses in the best outfits and could wear a black bag and still look good. This is why I feel a frumpy mess next to her not because of anything she does just because I compare myself to her and when she isn't by my side I revert back into myself because to be honest she tends to bring the best out in me.

Realising I have been staring at her leaving looking like a creep I decide to look for my department. I had done my hair in nice waves and got Scarlett to do my make up knowing my photo was being taken but I stuck to my comfy outfit of jeans, Kings of Leon band tshirt and vans.

Focusing on my face looking good I tell myself to walk with my head up and take my surroundings in. Turning the corner to where I think Psychology should be I see the line and join it. I hate waiting in lines, I get agitated being on my feet not being able to do anything but wait. Deciding to kill time playing candy crush I take out my phone and lean against the wall.

"You should of swapped the blue one in the corner and you would have completed that level" a deep voice rumbles beside me.

Looking up I'm met with warm hazel eyes and bright smile looking straight at me. My breath seems to be stuck while I take in the god like figure of the guy standing in front of me who must be over six foot. He has broad shoulders and a tanned complexion, brown shaggy hair on top but short at the sides swooped over to one side and looks like he has been running his fingers through it. I'd like to run my fingers through it, stop right now mind! He has a black tshirt on that seems tight fitting across his chest, god knows what's under that shirt! Why is my mind in the gutter?

He lets out a small laugh bringing my attention back to him. "No one ever tell you it's rude to look over people's shoulders" I say deciding to go on the defensive instead of getting embarrassed from being caught checking him out and bring my phone back to my chest.

"I had to see what was making a beautiful girl like you swear under her breath" he says smiling.

"I was not swearing" I say shocked, was I?

"Yes you were, every time you failed the level you would call the sweets 'wee fuckers'" he air quotes me laughing. Oh shit i do say that when I'm getting frustrated with the game.

"Well they are" I laugh out blushing.

"I feel your pain I can't get passed level 49 been at it for weeks now."

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