Chapter 23

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(A/N):⚠️I do NOT own anything⚠️. I had to skip some parts but just go with it. Please 🙏🏼.

Percy's POV
"We need to get to my sisters' garden." Zoe said.

"But we need a car or something. And there's no one here that can help us. Unless we 'borrow' one." I said.

"Wait!" Thalia said as she looked through her backpack. "There is someone in San Francisco who can help us. Just let me find the address."

"Who?" I asked her.

Thalia pulled out a crumpled up piece of notebook paper.

"Professor Chase. Annabeth's dad."

"But will he actually help us?"

"Hopefully?" She said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.


We traveled a couple of blocks until we stopped arrived at a decent size house. Thalia knocked on the door, and a couple of minutes later a man with the same blonde hair as Annabeth but with intense brown eyes, opened the door. He had these glasses and an old-fashioned aviator's cap.

"Hello, are you delivering my airplanes?" He asked.

The three of us looked at each other.

"Um no sir." I said.

"Drat. I need three more Sopwith Camels." He said.

"Uhh right." I said, not really knowing what he was talking about. "Sir, we're friends of Annabeth."

He looked at us with great concern in his eyes.

"Annabeth?" He asked. "Is she alright? Did something happened to her? Is she-"

"Annabeth is fine. She's safely back in Camp, but we do need your help." Thalia explained.

He sighed in relief but the concern was still seen in his eyes.

"Of course, come in. Any friends of Annabeth's are welcome here."

As we entered the house, we encountered Annabeth's stepbrothers and stepmother, who seemed nice enough. Annabeth's stepmom offered us some food to which we gratefully agreed. By the time we finished telling him the whole story, the sun was beginning to descend, slowly but surely.


We had less than an hour to save (Y/N) and Artemis as we all piled into the yellow VW convertible. The sun continued its way under the horizon at its slow pace.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" Thalia demanded.

"I cannot control traffic." Zoe said through gritted teeth.

"You both sound like my mother." I said.

"Shut up!" The both yelled at me in unison.

I held up my hands in defense.

Zoe made her way through the heavy traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. Once we exited the highway, the sun was on the horizon. The road were starting to get narrower and narrower but that didn't stop Zoe. She kept the pedal to the metal. Which kinda worried me because the edges were of steep ravines.

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