"Please." He yelled, thrashing in the ropes again.

"Kill him." I said walking away so I could talk to Liam.

"Enzo?" He asked.

"Hey, Liam. How are you feeling?" I asked.

He hissed in pain and I knew that they were moving him.

"Fine." He grunted out.

"You're going to be okay." I said, mostly to ease my nerves but also for him. 

"Who are you saying that for?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you in the safe room yet?"

"They just got me down the stairs."

I was starting to get restless, how soon would they be there, were they already there.

"Tell them to hurry." I said.

"Stop being so impatient." He said after a groan.

"And tell them to be careful." I growled out.

Before he could answer I picked up on Ortiz or Marco's radio, "Perimeter breach!" I motioned for my men to hustle back to the cars as I did he same, the sobbing man in the chair no longer a problem.

"Liam tell them to hurry the fuck up! I swear if anything happens to you-"

"I'm going to be okay." He said a little breathless.

"Are you in the safe room?" I asked, running to the car, as soon as my feet where in the car I yelled at the driver to drive. He took off, not wasting any time.

"Yes," He sighed, a hint of pain in his voice.

"Are Ortiz or Marco with you?" 

"Yes." He said again, "I need my medicine." He gritted out.

Hand the phone to one of them." I ordered. 

It took a few long seconds for Ortiz to speak, "Yes, sir?" 

"Did you grab his medicines?" I asked, on the verge of screaming in anger. My Liam was in danger and I was two hours away from him.

"Yes, sir." He answered.

"Put the phone on speaker, Ortiz." I said as calmly as I could.

 "Liam?" I asked once I thought he had done what I asked.

"Yes?" He mumbled.

"How much does it hurt?" 

"Not much, just a little bit of throbbing and stinging." He answered.

I thought for a moment then instructed Ortiz on which medicine to give him.

Liam requested the phone again, and took it off of speaker after I heard muffled words from Ortiz and Marco's radio, "Please hurry, Enzo." He whispered, tired from his injuries and pain medication.

"I'm going as fast as I can, baby. Don't worry though, Marco and Ortiz will keep you safe, get some rest." I said and asked him to pass the phone to either one of the two other people in the room with him.

Marco picked up this time, "Yes, sir?" 

"You protect Liam with your life, you hear me?" I asked, seething, no longer calm.

"Yes, sir." He said.

"Marco, how many of them are there?" I asked the dreaded question.

"No one's been able to get a good count, they are saying around twenty or thirty. Sir, I don't know how long we can keep them out." He whispered the last part.

My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now