28. Dewey

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We are still lying in our room, but now I am lying with my arm around Riley from behind. She is still sleeping. I don't know how long I have been waiting for her to wake up, but now I know how it is for her in the mornings. I don't mind holding her and listen to her. It's just I like her better when she is awake.

"Riley?" I whisper in her ear, and the next thing I feel is a hand on my face and she pushes me back. I laugh lightly, surprised by what just happened. She grabs the pillow, hiding her face in it and mumble something.

"I couldn't hear you." I say, leaning to plant a kiss on the top of her head and wrap my arm around her again. Once again, she laid her hand on my face and moved me back.

"What is up with you?" I chuckle, trying to take the pillow away from her, but she is really clinging onto it.

"Why can't you hold me like that?" I laugh as I move over her to lay face to face with her, or more like face to pillow.

"Babe, come on." I plead.

"Drew, shut up." She mumbled and I burst out in laughter. I guess she still don't feel so good.

"Ouch!" I shout as she just hit me with her pillow and do it again.

"Why can't you be quiet?" She asks annoyed. I grab her arm and sit above her, pinning her hands down in our bed. She crinkles her nose as she tries to get loose.

"I'm in a bad mood, Drew." She sigh and I lean down to kiss her on the nose, but I pout as she do not smile. I take a deep breath. Then I lean down to put my lips on her cheek. Kissing her hard and long.

"Drew, stop." She laughs, trying to move away from me.

"Only if you smile the rest of the day." I mumble on her skin.

"Fine." She muttered, which makes me not pleased with my answer. I let go of her hands and start tickling her.

"No, Drew! Stop!" She laughs, trying to push me away.

"I said I was going to smile!" She says, but I shake my head.

"You need to promise, babe." I smile as I pin her hands down in the bed again.

"I promise." She pout.

"Good." I whisper as I lean down to steal a kiss.

"Dewey." My eyes, snaps wide open by that name Riley just said. She is lying behind me in our bed. Don't know what time it is, but I guess it's really early. I close my eyes again and hug my pillow.

"It's Christmas." She say and take the pillow away from me, leaving me pouting annoyed. I turn around and hold around her instead with my face buried in her chest.

"Drew, come on." She chuckles and try to push me off her.

"Why can't you just let me love you?" I mumble, but then seconds later, my eyes widen in shock of what I just told her. What did I just say? 

I hate my mouth in the mornings. Both of us are not moving or saying a word. I'm scared I might have done something really stupid right now. I swallow hard as I close my eyes, just holding onto her. Right now I could need some sleep again.

"Drew?" She calls my name, making my heart beat so fast inside of me.

"Yes?" I answer hoarse and I have to clear my throat.

"I love you too." She says. I can feel my heart calm down and a big smile come across my face.

"Can you let me love you then?" I wonder. She snorts as she kisses the top of my head.

Sleeping Romance (GxG)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt