10. You really like this girl

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Every day for two weeks now, I make sandwiches for Riley and me for school. The look on Hannah's face is priceless. She is trying to hide her jealousy, but I can see how she wrinkles her nose when she is angry. 

Now we are all at her place, even Riley, who is lying on her back on the bed in front of me. It looks like she is staring at the roof, but I think she is half-asleep. I just can't keep my eyes of her, it's not possible. 

Olivia and Becca are sitting on the floor with their backs against the bed. They haven't had a fight yet, which I am grateful for. Now they are actually smiling and laughing a little. They have some moments where both of them just forget about everything and just focus on here and now.

I watch Riley's head fall to the side, yeah, she is going to sleep.

"I think it is time to go." I smile to Hannah, who nods. I really don't want to wake up the smaller girl. My heart is way too weak for that. I place my arm under her knees and the other one behind her back to pick up the younger girl.

"It's okay." I say softly after she flinched in my arms. Then she leans back to rest her cheek on my shoulder.

"I see you guys later." I say to all of them.

"Let me help you with the doors." Hannah offers and I nod as she comes and open the bedroom door for us. 

Not long we step out into the moonlight and Hannah opens the car door. I put the smaller girl in her seat, taking her seat belt over her, before I close the door.

"You really like this girl." Hannah smiles.

"You have no idea." I say, sometimes it feels like it's too much as if my heart can't bear all of it.

"Well, don't fuck it up." She laughs and it makes me roll my eyes.

"I am not going to do that." I promise.

"Good." She says and I chuckle as I find my way over to the driver seat.

"I see you later." I tell her and sit in the car, watching the beautiful girl that is sleeping next to me. Then I start driving her home. After a little while, I steal her hand in mine. I just have the need to hold it.

I park the car in the driveway and stop it. Still, Riley is sleeping. It's very sweet to watch, even though her sunglasses are hiding her face a little. 

I step out of the car, and walk over to Riley's side to take her out of the seat. She wakes up a little, taking a deep breathe as she laid her arms around my neck. She is so adorable. As I reach the front door of her house, Andi comes out with a smile.

"Hi." I whisper and find my way inside.

"Hi, Drew." She says looking at her daughter, who is lying in my arms.

"I'll take her upstairs." I tell her and she nods as I start walking up the stairs, then into her room to lay her down in the bed. She moves a little to lay comfortable. I tuck her in and just stare at her, not sure if I am allowed to take off her sunglasses.

"Do you want to stay over?" I jump where I am standing to the sound of Andi's voice. My cheeks turn red as I see both of them standing in front of the door.

"Umm," I look at Riley for a short moment.

"If that is okay, I guess?" I itch the back of my neck, very shyly.

"Of course it is." Andi says and look at Devin, who nods with a smile. She kisses Andi's cheek before she steps out of the room. 

Riley's mom walks over to me and then lean down to take off Riley's sunglasses. I see her whole face now. She is so beautiful. Still, I wonder how her eyes looks like, what color they have. 

Then Devin comes in the door with a mattress for me to lie on. I smile, grateful to her.

Now I am lying on the floor, with darkness surrendering me. I can't but smile of the thought that I am going to wake up in here with Riley. That I can see how she looks in the morning, how messy her blond hair is going to be.


I wake up in panic as I felt someone fall over me. Then I remember where I am and feel her move off me in a rush.

"Riley?" I say, so she knows it's me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, and by the sound of her voice, she seems surprised and confused.

"Your moms let me stay over, umm do you need help?" I ask as I hear her stand up on her feet.

"No, I can find the way to the bathroom." She answers and I listen to her footsteps.

"Okay." I say and watch her walk out the bedroom door. I just lay here waiting for her to come back inside. Not long after I see her come back in and close the door behind her.

I can't see anything, like at all. Now I know how she feels. I could feel that her feet hit the mattress, but I think she is walking slowly so she won't fall again. Then I listen to her lay down in the bed.


"Hmm?" She answers, sleepy.

"Do you see anything like at all?" I wonder, because just want to know what she see if she can.

"Light, only lights. I know when she sun is shining or if I walk into a very bright room." She says and I nod to myself.

"Is that why you wear sunglasses?" I ask.

"Yes, but also because my eyes might freak someone out." She chuckles and I snort of her beautiful laugh.

"I don't believe that. I think your eyes are probably as beautiful as you are." I smile, just by the thought of how they look like. Riley hasn't replied to what I said, I might have made her embarrassed.

"Goodnight Dimples." I say and hear her snort.

"Goodnight Drew." She say and then yawn. 

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