6. Some people just need to see to believe

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Sometimes I make my special sandwich and take it with me to school, but now Hannah is sitting in front of me eating it. She stole it when I shouted at Becca and Olivia to keep their mouth shut. So now, I don't have my delicious food and I have waited for lunch all day. 

I had a bad morning, which made this whole day a shit. I tried to talk to Riley again, but I made a fool of myself as I always do when I am around her. She thinks I am a clown now, probably. At least I make her laugh, its a sweet laugh though.

I tried to offer her that I could help her around the school, but well she is very stubborn. Riley wants to do things herself, which I don't mind, but it makes it hard for me to be around her. She made me blush when she turned me down. I felt like an idiot.

"It's like having an orgasm, but in my mouth." Hannah mumbles with her mouth full of my food.

"Yeah, well it was my orgasm." I mutter and Olivia is trying to hide her laugh as she is sitting next Hannah.

"You make the best sandwiches, Drew, be proud of that." Hannah smiles to me as she takes the last bite. God, I wish I could just cut her open and take it all out again.

"Why so grumpy?" Olivia ask me and I just roll my eyes, looking away from all of them.

"She is losing." Hannah says and I turn to her only to look at that mocking grin across her face.

"No, I am not. Just," I sigh.

"Hard." I say and rub my forehead.

"I don't understand how it can be hard, she seems nice." Olivia shrugs, then she looks at Becca who is texting on her phone.

"Hey!" Becca shouted after I kicked her in the foot, of annoyance. Becca might be the angriest, but she is the wisest. She is right about this game of ours. It's stupid, but I like it, because then I have something to do and think about. Even if this year it is harder.

My heart always tickles as I see the blond girl. Who is walking with the cane in her hand to help her to find her way.

"Where are you going?" Hannah ask as I stand up, but ignore her as I step over to Riley.

"Hi." I say before she can hit me with her stick as I stand in front of her.

"Hi, Drew Lu." She smiles and I smile back with warm cheeks. They always turn red when I am talking to her. It's a good thing she can't see it. I would have been more embarrassed.

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" I ask kindly. Standing almost on my toes as I wait for her answer. Say yes, please say yes.

"Sure, why not." She shrugs. I almost wanted to shout in happiness, but kept my mouth shut. I was about to offer her help. Then reminded myself what happened last time I did it.

"Okay, just..." She comes towards me, bending the cane so it get smaller. Then she laid her arm on my shoulder.

"Are you going to walk or not?" She chuckles and I shake my head to wake up from her warm hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry." I say and then step over to our table, slowly. As I stop, I feel her move her hand from my shoulder and down my arm to my hand. I help her down to her seat and then sit down next to her. Her touch made the thousands of butterflies in my stomach fly all around.   

"Hi." Hannah greets Riley and she smiles as she says hello back to her. Then I listen to all of my friends introduced themselves to the light haired girl next to me, who smiles all the time. I can't take my eyes away from her as if I they are glued to her beautifulness.

How her blond hair flows every time she moves, how her dimples are showing so clearly when she smiles, how her voice sounds, as if she was a siren calling for me and I have but no choice to go to her.

"Ouch." I say as I feel a hit in the back of my head. Then I turn to Becca annoyed as I rub my pain.

"You are staring." She whispers in my ear, but I just ignore her. Not like Riley is going to see it, but I don't know, she might notice. Of course I am staring, how could I not? Just one look at her and she just makes me smile, automatically. 

She doesn't need to say anything to make me smile, just one look and snap, it comes a big grin across my face. I am sitting in quiet listening to them all talking to each other. I just can't dare to disturb that sound of her voice as it was the most precious thing in the whole world. 

I am hearing everything she is saying, but my brain is too far to gone to understand. As if her beauty just shuts me down, with just one push on the button. Then she turns to look at me with her smile. 

My gaze leaves her even though I know she can't see me looking at her. Maybe it's a good thing, because if she saw the way I was looking at her. I might have scared her. I look at Hannah after she kicked me in the leg. Then I realize it is just the three of us. Becca and Oliva must have left.

"You know, Drew makes the best sandwiches ever." Hannah says, and I watch her confused for a moment. Why is she saying that?

"You do?" Riley ask as she turns to me. I feel myself blush as I shrink and watch Hannah enjoying herself.

"Yeah, she does. I just ate one." Hannah says and wink at me.

"You stole it from me." I mutter, which earns me my favorite sound in the whole world, Riley's laugh.

"It tasted so good." Hannah says and suck on her lower lip. Now she is just teasing me.

"Too bad, because it was your last one." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She grins, I watch her confused, but just shake it off. Then I watch the girl who is smiling next to me.

"Are you always fighting?" Riley chuckles and Hannah burst out in laughter.

"No, Drew here is just in a bad mood," I warn Hannah with my gaze.

"But Olivia and Becca they argue every day, and it's not pretty." She laugh, making me roll my eyes.

"Why?" Riley ask confused. I really want to answer her with the truth. That Olivia has been in love with Becca like forever, but she would hate me if I said so.

"Because Olivia hates, well, we all hate Becca's boyfriend. He cheats on her and Becca won't listen to Olivia no matter what she says." I sigh by the thought of how bad Olivia has it.

"Some people just need to see to believe." Hannah and I both watch Riley with our mouths dropped open, but then a light smile comes across my face.

"You are right." I say and she turn to me with a smile. Riley might not have vision, but I feel like she can see everything anyways.

Hope it was a good chapter :) 

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