13. I want you so much

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I am sitting on the floor with my back against the wall. Waiting for the girl, I kissed this morning to come out. I don't want her to leave without me. I am a little worried I might have frightened her or something, even though she kissed me back.

Now I am afraid she has been thinking about it the whole day, and not in the good way. Still, I can feel my hopes are very high that it is all going to be okay. I stand up as the door opens. Then I wait for her. I smile as I see her.

"Riley?" I call her name unsure, but she smiles right away, which makes me breathe. She bends in the cane, and I step in next to her.

Then she grabs my arm and I start walking with her. I can't help myself as I lean down to kiss her temple. Her cheeks turn red right away. I chuckle she seems a little embarrassed as she wrinkles her nose.

"Let's get you home before you turn as red as a rose." I smile, but kiss her one more time.

"Rose?" She asks, confused.

"Rose is a flower." I explain, but she shakes her head.

"I know that, but I don't know how it looks like." She says.

"Oh, okay. I really don't know how to explain it. To be honest. Have you never held a rose before?" I ask a little stunned. Riley shakes her head.

"Okay." I answer as we reach my car. Then I help her in and sit down in my own seat to start driving.

"Is it okay if I stop somewhere, before I drive you home?" I ask and she nods with her beautiful smile. I drive to my destination and feel Riley lay her hand over mine.

Can't help but feel how my stomach is turning in happiness. I take up our hands to kiss hers. Not long after I stop in front of a store.

"It will be fast." I say, she nods as I let go of her hand to step out of the car. Then walk into the store.

When I come out again, I sit back into the car.

"This," I close the door.

"Is a rose." I smile as I take her hand in mine.

"But it have thorns so be careful." I explain her before I hand it over to her. I start driving home with her as she is studying the red rose I gave her.

"It smells good, just like you." I watch her stunned by what she just said. Her cheeks are just as red as the rose she is holding.

I think my face is in the same color as well. I just let it go, I don't want it to be more awkward than it is. I stop the car in front of her house.

We both get out of the car, and then I reach for her hand. She moves it up my arm, and then we start walking together up to her house. I open the door for her and lead her inside.

"Hi, honey," Andi says, before she watches us.

"Oh, and Drew." She rolls her eyes of herself, which makes me smile.

"Why do you have a rose?" Riley's mother asks.

"Drew gave it to me," She smiles. I forgot to tell her what it means to give someone a rose. I feel my cheeks fire up by the look on Andi's face as she comes towards Riley. She seems a little surprised, I think.

"I told her that I had never held or touched a rose before, so she bought me one." She smiles to me, and I feel relieved that she explained it to her mother.

That I didn't just buy it randomly, which I would have done anyways, eventuality, but not so her parents would well, see.

"It's beautiful." Andi smiles, before she kisse Riley's forehead and then step into the kitchen.

Riley reaches for my hand, taking it in hers as she drags me after her up the stairs and into her room. I watch her lay the rose on her desk.

"We need to find some water for it." I tell her and she nods as she laid her hands on the table behind her and lean back.

"I know. I'll do it afterwards." She smiles to me. I just stand here enjoying the view of her. Watching how her blond hair flows when she moves. How her cute dimples shows when she smiles. I love the way I can make her blush so much, it's adorable.


"Yes?" I answer so lost in her.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Thinking." I say.

"Thinking about what?"

"You." I smile and step over to her. She straightens up, as I stand right in front of her. I notice how red her cheeks are.

"You know," I take the rose in my hand, holding it between us as I look at it.

"When you give someone a rose. It means that you love them." I tell her softly. Riley swallows hard.

"I did not know that." She says and bite her lower lip, nervously. She always does that.

"Now you do." I smile and lay the rose back on her desk.

"D-do you love me?" She asks, and I smile bright of her words. I take a deep breathe before I answer.

"Haven't deiced yet." I tell her and watch her shoulders sink low as she breathes out.

"You shouldn't." Riley says, making me confused, but also hurt.

"Why not?" I ask scared for my answer.

"I'm can't see anything." She points at her face.

"I don't care." I shrug, because I never did.

"Drew, it would be complicated." She says, and I shake my head as I take her hands in mine. I can feel the anger boiling in my veins that she can say something like that.

"I wish I could kick your butt right now, because of what you said," I chuckle, and there is a little trace of a smile on her face.

"Riley, I liked you since the first time I saw you, and you can try and push me away as much as you want, but I am not going anywhere. I want you more than anything." I tell her and lean down to kiss her forehead.

"I want you so much," I whisper.

"You are so beautiful that it shouldn't even be allowed." I smile against her forehead. She let go of my hands to wrap her arms around my neck. I hold her tightly around her back with my forehead leaning on the top of her head. Breathing in her amazing scent.

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