34."What are you doing?"

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Last weekend my girl came with me to the college I am going to attend. It's not long until I'm starting and Riley is not really looking forward to it. I am, but not as fully as I was before I met her. There is nothing else I want, then to be home with her, but I need to go to college. I even had to tell her if she wants us to stay together forever, then she needs me to go to college and get the job I have always wished for. She still didn't seem happy about it.

The worst part was when I told her I have a roommate. She didn't say anything, but I could see on her pretty face, even though she had her new sunglasses on. She was wrinkling her nose and cheeks in fury. It was so adorable that I laid my hands on her waist and I tried to kiss her, but she moved back from me, which amazed me. 

I guess she has started to read my actions now. That she knows by my touches when I am going to kiss her. I was not happy when she didn't let me kiss her though, but I thought she was the cutest thing, when she looked so jealous. Even if it was for nothing at all. She doesn't have to worry about anything. I love her and I won't leave her.

We have started summer vacation and, well, I am working a lot with dad so I can save some money. At least some so my parents don't have to use so much money on me and also because I want to earn some of my own.

I know that it's been hard for Riley that I don't spend much time with her. It's hard for me too, but that is how life is. We just need to work through the hard time until we reach what is easy.

"You're done for today, Drew!" My dad shouts to me and I smile as I wave to him. We have been working all day to try to finish building this house. My dad's company is laying behind the time schedule, so he is going to work a lot of overtime now. I asked him if I should too, but he declined. He has been mostly up on the roof, while I been helping with the porch. Just a week I think and it will be done.

I promised Riley that I would come to her right after work. There is no way I am going to break my promise. I will do anything to make her happy and not like I would ever mind to spend my time with her. I love every moment I am with her.

I park my car and find my way up to Riley's house. Her parents cars is not in the driveway, so I guess Riley is home alone. Before I even get the chance to knock, the door flies open and Riley attacks me with a hug.

"I missed you." She mumbles on my shirt.

"I missed you too." I whisper and kiss her on the top of her head. We stand here for a little while, before she pulls me inside the house.

"What have you been doing all day?" I ask as I jump down in her bed.

"Waiting for you." She smiles and lay down next to me, leaning her cheek on my shoulder and rest her arm over my stomach.

"That is cute of you." I say and closing my heavy eyelids. My body shivers as I feel her soft lips on my neck. Worst of all she won't stop, so my desire for her builds up more and more.

My eyes snap wide open and stop her arm, which was moving underneath my shirt.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused as I move her arm away from my skin. She moves above me and I take off her sunglasses before I cup her cheeks. I smile because she didn't close her eyes this time, but she seems nervous, which makes me worried.

"Babe, what is it?" I wonder. I can see that there is something on her mind. It's on the tip of her tongue. She wants to say it, but she might be too scared.

"You know you can tell me. I love you no matter what." I promise her as I lean my forehead on hers.

"I-I want to do it with you before you go." She says, her voice shaking of nervousness. I let her words sink in. Not really sure on how to respond.

"I'm going to be here almost every weekend. I'm not going to be away for months, Riley." I explain her, but she won't listen.

"But I want to." She says, but I am not quite sure. Not long ago, she was scared of me touching her and now she wants to go much further. It all just sounds strange to me, because I am barely allowed to touch her.

"Riley..." She covers my mouth with her hand.

"I want to." She says and I still struggle with what she is telling me.

"Okay," I nod.

"But not now." I tell her and she nods to my words. She lays back down with her head resting on my cheek. The room is all-quiet. We are both deep in our thoughts. I wonder what she is thinking. I am just so confused. Why she just changed her mind about all of it is strange to me. I will not do it with her until she is really ready. She is just sixteen and I am more than willing to wait for her.

There is no way I am going to do it, if she is not ready.

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