4. Are you going to say something today?

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Becca and Olivia has still she same opinion about this game of Hannah and I. They hate it, but I am still going to try with this girl. It's going to be hard work. Right now, she is standing in front of her locker, searching for her books.

I wonder how it works, how she can use her other senses. Don't think I could have survived living that way, but sometimes we just don't have a choice. Never  have I seen a blind person on this school.

She is the first one that I have seen so far. I wonder if she knows how beautiful she is. I mean it, she is such a... masterpiece. I have been staring at her for a while, trying to find something that I can use as an advantage today, but nothing sticks out.

I take a deep breath and walk over to her slowly like I did last time, because I was so damn nervous. I am still having my heart in my throat. What is it with this girl that makes me feel so uneasy? As I move in next to her. She smiles to me, turning me speechless for the second time.

"Are you going to say something today?" She asks, taking me off guard.

"Huh? What?" I say, and lay my hand over my face of how awkward I am. She laugh softly and it sounds like music to my ears.

"I recognized your footsteps." She smile, and I look down at my feet surprised by her.

"Oh." I chuckle low and study the blond girl, noticing she has cute dimples in her cheeks when she smile. As always, she is wearing her sunglasses, hiding her eyes. I wonder what color they are and how they look.

"How?" I wonder, and she snorts lightly.

"You walk very gently, hesitating a little." She shrugs and stupid enough I nod. I roll my eyes of myself.

"Well, I didn't really know how to approach you." I inform her, but watch her frown her eyebrows.

"Is it because I am blind?" She asks, not angry, but sadly.

"No," I shake my head.

"It was your smile." I tell her and watch her cheeks turn red as she look for a book in the locker. I watch how she moves her hands all over.

"I can help you." I offer, but she shakes her head as she finds the one she is looking for.

"I'm fine." She smiles as she close the locker.

"Oh, okay, are you new or a freshman?" I ask right out. It's just I am curious about this girl.

"Freshman." She answer.

"And you?" The girl asks.

"Umm, senior." I say a little unsure what she will think. She nods with a smile and I follow her as she turns around. I jumped as she grabbed my arm with her hand. I watch her laugh of me. It's just I am not used to people touching me without me allowing it.

"Can you show me where the English class is?" She asks nicely.

"Of course I can." I say and I start walking with her holding my arm and I follow her to the classroom.

"What's your name?" She asks me.

"I'm Drew." I smile, even though she can't see it, but I can't help but doing it.

"Drew what?" She wondered and I snort, amused by her. I like this girl, maybe even more than I did with Amanda.

"Drew Lu." I listen to the blond girl laugh and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds funny." I mutter, but stop in front the girl's classroom.

"Sounds better than mine." She smile. I watch her confused, but remind myself that she can't see me.

"What's your name then?" I ask as she take out a stick from her pocket and fold it out to be longer. She has that same sly smile on her face like she had yesterday. Which made me swallow my pride. 

I don't think there is that much left of it now. I have never met a girl that has made me lose my self-control to concentrate about how I act and how I talk. She turns me into a fool, which is frustrating, because I can't do anything right around her.

"I'm Riley." She smile and I watch her step into the classroom, moving her stick back and forth to find her seat. I smile to myself as I walk down the hallway. 

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