40. It's cute of you though

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"Where are we going?" Hannah asks as I take a big sip of the whisky bottle. Olivia went home with Becca. I hope they get to sleep through the night.

"Riley." I answer taking a new taste of the brown liquor. It's very good and I need it. Julia really made me angry. No one is allowed to treat Riley like that. She is my princess and she should be cared for just like a princess.

"Well, that was fun." Hannah says and I just nod lightly.

"I really didn't mean for her to fall into the pool." I tell her and take another round of the nice drink of mine.

"I know, but I think she deserved it, after what she did." She watches me sadly for just a second, but I remain silent. Maybe Hannah and Becca is right that Julia needed a punishment. 

It didn't make me feel any better and I knew it wasn't, but at least I know Riley is going to be okay. Julia won't bother her anymore, if so, then water is the last thing she needs to worry about.

"Okay." Hannah stops my car in the driveway of Riley's house.

"Thank you," I smile to her.

"I pick up the car at your place." I tell her as I open the door.

"Sure thing." She winks and I roll my eyes.

"See you soon." I smile and shut the door. I watch her drive pass me before I find my way up to the Mason's house. Now I am just going to relax and spend all my time with Riley. I knock on the door and Andi opens it almost right away.

"Hi, again, Drew." She smiles and lets me in.

"Riley is upstairs." Andi tells me and I nod as I find my way up to the bedroom, almost stumbled on the stairs. I knock on the door lightly before I enter.

"Hi, baby." I smile when I see that beauty. My princesses is laying in her bed reading a book.

"Hi." She smiles back to me and I fall down in bed next to her.

"What are you reading?" I wonder as I lay here staring at every piece of how gorgeous she is. Her pale, soft skin. Her brown, golden eyes that is now exposed for me to see. Her blond long hair that I brush behind her ear.

"A book." She chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"I know, but what book." I ask again before I lean in to plant a long kiss on her cheek, which makes her laugh, her cute laugh.

"A book." She answers again and surprise me with that she straddles me. Then she laid her hands down on my arms and I feel them move further and further up until she places them on my cheeks. 

I close my eyes of the warmth. Not long after I feel her nice lips on mine. It's been over a week since I felt them, tasted them.

"Have you been drinking?" Riley asks and my eyes snaps wide open, my mouth moving with no words.

"Yes." I answer nervously. Riley clenches her jaw.

"I could smell it the moment you lay down in the bed." She tells and I bit my lower lip very unsure about what now.

"What have you and your friends been doing?" She wonders. I lay my hands on her thighs.

"It's your friends as well." I tell her.

"I know, but what have you guys been doing?" She asks me again and everything that happened comes back to my mind. All I want is to forget about it. That is why I brought that whisky with me.

"We were hanging out." I tell her, but she doesn't seem convinced.

"No details?" She questions and she makes it completely impossible for me to answer her. I can't lie to her. She is too precious, too sweet and too kind hearted. In a million years, I could never find myself lying to her.

"We were, um," I move my hands up and down her thighs out of nervousness. Her whole face turns into anger.

"Drew." She says hard, but I could also hear sadness in her voice. I close my eyes as I sigh.

"I told our friends about what happened today," Now she is very angry, but she doesn't say anything.

"And it ended up with," I tell her everything that went off this evening and she listens to me patiently. Riley is not happy with me at all, even though I told her it was an accident that Julia fell into a pool.

"You don't need to go around and fix my problems." She says annoyed and I can't have eye contact with her. I feel so small where I am lying, under her. I might be a few inches higher than her, but still I can't stop feeling that way.

"I'm sorry." I tell her and she sighs loudly, while staring at me.

"I have been blind my whole life, Drew. I'm pretty sure I know how it is." Riley tells me and I just nod lightly, even though I know, she can't see it.

"Okay." I say. Now I feel worse than I did.

"I can take care of myself."

"I know." I nod, and I watch her hands move up my arms again, until she places them on my collarbones. I narrow my eyes when she grabs my shirt in her hands and then drag me up. She is sitting on my lap, face to face with me.

"It's cute of you though." She smiles now and I am very confused.

"What?" I ask stunned and she chews on her lip.

"That you went through so much trouble just to make sure I'm safe." She chuckles and I feel my face turn warm. Worst of all she places her hands on my heated cheeks and lean her forehead on mine.

"I love you." She whispers. Her sweet voice makes me shut my eyes.

"I love you too."

Sleeping Romance (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora