16. I want to stay here with you

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"Hi, you." I smile as I pick up the smaller girl to take her out of the car. She fell asleep on the way home from Oliva's party. She is so adorable when she is sleeping.

"Hi." She smiles and wrap her arms around my neck. Then I feel a kiss on my cheek and both of them turns red as I reach the front door. I manage to open it and step inside. Andi and Devin are sitting on the couch, watching TV, but then look at us.

I walk up the stairs to lay the younger one in her bed. A knock on the door makes me turn around. Andi is standing there with a light smile.

"Devin wants to talk to you for a moment." She says, and I feel my heart hit my ribs. I hope she is not angry with me. The last thing I want is is Riley's parent's not liking me. 

"Okay." I smile shyly, taking one last look at Riley before I find my way downstairs. Devin is sitting on the couch waiting for me. Her face expression is unreadable, so I have no idea what is going to happen. I clear my throat as I sit down next to her.

"Andi and I know that Riley and you are in some kind of.... relationship," My cheeks turn warm and I can't seem to look her in the eyes.

"Which is okay," I breathe out of her words.

"But she is only fifteen and we know you are a couple of years older, which means..." She trails off, but I get it.

"I know." I say, smiling with my whole face in redness.

"Okay, good," I was going to step out on the couch, but she garbed my arm.

"You are going to," She throws me a pillow.

"Sleep on the couch." She tells me and I can't but chuckle to this.

"Yeah, I get it." I smile, a little amused that this is happening, because it hasn't before. I guess that is what happens when you are with someone younger and with a mom that is a little overprotective, but I can understand Devin.

"Can I at least say Goodnight to her?" I ask nicely.

"Of course." She rolls her eyes. I smile as I jump out of the couch and step back up to my girl again. She is lying on the bed. I walk over slowly, and quietly.

"I can hear you."

"Dammit." I mutter, but lay down next to her. She smiles as she laid her arm around me.

"Your moms kicked me out of your room." I chuckle and she snorts.

"I know." She moves her hand up my side to lay it on my cheek.

"I wish I could lie here with you." I tell her and turn to kiss her palm.

"So do I." She sigh in disappointment. I lean in to lay my lips on her forehead.

"But I don't want your parents to be more worried than they already are." I tell her and she nods

"I see you in the morning." I kiss her gently.

"And if there is anything you can just call me." I whispers.

"Okay." She smiles as she laid her hand back on my cheek.

"Goodnight dimples." I chuckle and she smiles very bright.

"Goodnight, stupid." She tease, making me roll my eyes, but steal a kiss before I get out of her bed and get downstairs to lay on the couch. Where the pillow and duvet lies. 

What a day it's been. First the party where two of my friends kissed. Then Becca run away and now I am lying on the couch, while the girl I like so much is in her own bed. I understand why, but that does not take away my need to be near her. I close my eyes and just look forward tomorrow.


I wake up as I feel the duvet fall of me, but then I smile as I see Riley lying over me.

"Hi." I whisper as I hold her in my arms.

"I couldn't sleep." She tells me, and plant a little kiss on my lips.

"Why not?" I wonder as I cup her cheek, stroking her skin with my thumb.

"I was thinking about you." She smiles and then reset her head on my shoulder.

"I hope it was good thoughts." I snort and I feel her kiss my cheek.

"Of course it was." She says and I can feel her breathe on my skin.

"You should go back up to your bed before you fall asleep." I advise her.

"No, I want to stay here with you." She mumbles on my cheek.

"I want you here too, but I don't want your parents..."

"I don't care." She says.

"Well, I do. I like you so much, and I don't want to lose you." I tell and feel another kiss on my cheek.

"You are not going to lose me over that I am just laying on you, on the couch." She chuckle, which makes me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but I don't want your parents to be angry." I sigh.

"Calm down," She laughs softly as she lay straight over me. Her sunglasses blocking the way for me to see her eyes.

"They would not be angry." She smiles and I brush her blond hair behind her ear.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to be woken up and then being thrown out of here." I tell her worried, but she just snorts.

"No, it would not happen." She says.

"How can you be so sure?" I wonder, confused.

"Because you make me happy, and my parents want me to be happy." She smiles and I feel my heart tickle inside of my chest of her beautiful words.

"You make me happy too, dimples." I smile as I lean up to kiss her softly.

"Good, then let me sleep here with you." She breathes and then rest her cheek on my shoulder again. We just lay here in silence until the sleep is going to claim us. I like holding her in my arms and feeling her warmth.

"I can hear your heart," She whispered and it makes me smile. 

"And your breathing." She tells me and I kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight dimples." I mumble on her skin and then take the sunglasses off her.

"Goodnight stupid." She whispers.

Sleeping Romance (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now