5. So you like me?

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I smile, proud of myself as I sit down in front of Hannah in the canteen.

"What?" She asks almost annoyed by the big grin on my face.

"I talked to her." I say finally, feeling the pride inside of me, but it's different.

"You did?" She asks and lean forward, looking very interested. It's not how she usually reacts, but I guess she thinks this is exciting as well.

"Yeah, she is..." I stop talking as I look behind Hannah, watching Olivia and Becca argue as they come towards us.

"Shut up!" Becca yells as she sits down next to me.

"Why can't you just hear me out?" Olivia sounds frustrated, like she always does when it comes to Becca.

"Because everything that comes out of your mouth is annoying." Becca breaths as she look down at her food. Olivia just rolls her eyes with a sigh, giving in for now.

"So, Drew, the girl?" Hannah say as she watch me again, almost jumping in her seat.

"I talked to her for a little while and then followed her to class." I smile, with the thought of her smile and those dimples. How soft her voice was, and it was cute how she could recognize my footsteps.

"How is she?" Hannah asks.

"She is sweet, funny..."

"And every reason for you to stop." Becca mutters next to.

"Like you are to talk." Olivia mumbles as she looks down at her food. Becca watches her with fury as if she wants to hit her right in the face.

"So, you think you can do this now?" Hannah wonders and I watch her with a raised eyebrow.

"I always thought I could do this." I wink to her and she laughs.


I smile of the sound of Riley's walking stick and I turn around to watch. Even though I am at a grocery store, I knew it was her. I watch the younger girl walk and then I follow after her. Then she turns with that same sly smile on her face, like she always does. I smile as I stand next to her.

"Hi, Drew Lu." She smiles back, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Am I that obvious?" I chuckle and she nods.

"Yeah, you are." Riley smiles showing me her dimples. Which are so adorable.

"Do you always hear me when I walk around?" I wonder, because if she does then it means that she pays attention to me.

"When you are close yes." She nods.

"So you like me?" I ask and she snorts, but her cheeks turns red.

"I don't know you, Drew Lu." Riley teases with my name, making me chuckle a little, because of that. She is playful and I like that.

"Do you want to get to know me?" I wonder, and watch the smile on her face fade slowly. Then to my surprise, she shakes her head.

"Why not?" I ask worried and a little hurt by that. If she do not even want to be my friend then I have a lot more work to do. She just shrugs.

"Riley?" I turn around to the sound of an older woman's voice. Then I watch the woman come towards us. Her hair, dark brown and her skin full of tattoos.

"I'm here." Riley smiled as the woman stands next to her, smiling to me at first, but then it faded quickly and I swallow hard by how intimating she is.

"Who is your friend?" She asks.

"This is Drew." Riley answer and I feel my heart beating so hard that I think anyone could have heard it. She reaches out her hand to me.

"Hi, Drew. I'm Devin, Riley's mother." She says watching me as if she could read all of my intentions. This will make it much harder, since her mother does not like me at all.

"Hi." I smile, I can't remember that I have been this embarrassed before.

"We need to go, Riley. You know mom is waiting for us." She say, I almost burst out in surprise, but I kept it hidden. Riley has two moms.

"I know." The younger girl smiles as she search for her mother's arm and then place her hand around it.

"Bye, Drew Lu." Riley smiles as they both start walking. I watch her until she disappears around the corner. Then I sigh of irritation. I am so going to fail with this girl. 

She doesn't want to be my friend, which makes it twice as hard and then there is her mom that do not like me. Her other mom would probably feel the same way.

"Shit." I mutter to myself.

"What is it?" Dad ask and I almost jumped around, feeling my heart go up my throat.

"Nothing." I say.

"Okay, then let's go." He smiles and I follow him to pay for the groceries. To be honest, I hate going to the store. It takes forever until my dad is done. He needs that and wants that. While I just wander all around and just looking. It's so boring. 

I smile as I see Riley standing behind her mother, waiting for her to pay so they can leave. When she is ready her mom, Devin offer her arm to her daughter, but Riley wants to go on her own. 

I watch her move the cane back and forth, as she always does. I wonder if she was born blind or if something happened. There are so many questions I want to ask her, but a little scared to do so. 

She didn't seem bothered that she can't see, but still I don't know her. Everyone acts differently. So now, I just need to find out how to be nicely around her and not a jerk. 

I feel the disappointment in my heart as I see Riley disappear out the door with her mom. I wish I could talk to her more. I think she is funny and like that about her.

Sleeping Romance (GxG)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin