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Topaz Pov
     I sighed as I walked home from school. I just got bullied again by Jasper(I had to). She is the biggest bully in school. At least everyone in my school has been bullied by Jasper once. But unfortunately for me, I was the one that Jasper would mess with every single day. Ugh, and all because I have super sanity.
     Just because I can understand things that most people can't, doesn't mean I'm a freak. I am a nerd though, because I think that it's actually kinda cool to have super sanity. I mean, the Joker has super sanity, and sometimes he can understand that he's just a comic book character.
     Only few people, or should I say beings, have that ability. And I'm one of those few. I understand science a whole lot easier than everyone at school, and why we have to learn about history. Even though all those people are dead. I can find secret messages in commercials, which is how I prevent myself from dying.
     The one stupid thing that I can't understand is humans. Humans are so dumb, they kill their own kind for pleasure. They trick each other into stupid things for no correct reason. And "love" there's no point to that, humans move on from one "lover" to the next. Without reproducing, at least animals reproduce before they move on.
     I sighed again, as walked into my house. My parents are at work. They'll be back though by dinner time. I walk upstairs to my room so that I can start on homework. Once I walk into my room I sit on my bed with my backpack and start on my homework. I set my homework aside, and looked into the distant.
     You want to know something, I know. I know that you are still reading about how I'm doing my homework. I know that you are reading a chapter about my life called "BREAK IT." If you don't remember, I have super sanity. I can understand things that most people can't.
     I understand that I am a fake character in a short story. I know that you are reading this story because you have read the last stories. I know that my whole life is just made up by someone that goes by the name of Young__Author. I know her personally, because she made me up. I'm not a real being, that's what I was hinting to you when explaining my super sanity. 
     What Author-chan wants me to tell you is that I'm breaking it. I'm braking the fourth wall. I know that I am a god damn character in a story for your entertainment. But that's my whole purpose.
     Author-chan created me to entertain you. And that's what I've done. I've entertained you for awhile, and now I'm almost done. Also, Author-chan said she is sorry for being a fangirl and adding a Steven Universe reference in here.
     Anyway, I'm going to tell you about me a little more. I self-harmed before, because of Jasper. Sometime she makes me feel like I'm nothing. I've cried myself to sleep at night thinking that no one loves me. But then I remember that I have you. Reader-chan, I know you are there for me, because if you have gotten this far, you care about me. And I thank you for that. I know that I am loved. Even if you don't love me, Author-chan does. Because she loves all of her characters. And she told me so, even all the big mean bullies.
     What I want to ask you is this, what is your purpose in life? Do you know it? I know mine, but you might not have super sanity. Unless you know. But DO you know? Ask yourself that, and maybe one day you'll join me. In the life of having super sanity.


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