Horse Statue

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Many years ago, there was a well-known demigod. Beliss was the daughter of the horse goddess, Beth, who could turn into a horse, and the normal male horse named Abner. Abner had died from a tornado caused by the wind God, Bob, who is the original partner of Beth. Beliss was raised by her mother, but left alone most of her life. Beliss had no God – like features, only horse features, although she has a mind of her mother.

One day, when Beliss was only seven years of age, she died.

"I love you Beliss,"Beth had told her daughter, while in her human form. Beth had to go to a meeting with the gods. So she left Beliss near the lake that they both loved. "I love you too mother," Beliss told her mother. Beliss had been left alone at Bear Lake many times throughout her short life. As Beth left, Beliss walk over to the lake she grew up by. What neither Beth nor Beliss knew was that Bob had made a plan. Bob still had anger toward Beliss. Bob still hates Abner, even though he has died.

With Bob heard about the meeting, he created a plan to end Beliss. Bob had convinced the water goddess, Kora, that Beliss was made of evil. With that convinced, Bob told Kora to poison the lake that Beth always drop Beliss off at. So that when Beliss took a drink of the lake, she would die in the position she was in when the water reached her stomach.

Beliss took a drink of the lake and started up, but then she froze. It was done. Beliss, the daughter of Beth, the horse goddess, had died. In the position of drinking water.

As all the gods loved Beliss, the news of her death had spread quickly. Although, when the news had reached Beth, she was furious. She knew exactly how her only child had died. She had stormed over to where Bob was. "It was your doing!" Beth had screamed at Bob. "I do not know what you speak of beloved,"Bob replied. This only made Beth angrier. "You talked Kora into poisoning the lake that I drop her off at. You are so selfish, you didn't even think about how this would affect everyone else!"Beth yelled at Bob. Then went to the lake where the corpse of Beliss was, and started to cry. Then there was the voice that spoke. "Beth, I know I cannot bring her back, but I can do something," the goddess of rocks, Rose Quartz said, "I have a son, Steven, he is a demigod as well. He's my life and I can relate to what has happened to you. Just let me do one thing with the body." Beth nodded to Rose Quartz and stepped aside. Rose Quartz then touched the body of Beliss. The body then became a huge rock statue of Beliss. This statue has stayed in its spot for many years, reminding all of the gods of the one demigod named Beliss.

As for Bob, he was punished for tricking Kora into thinking Beliss was evil, and the murder of another god's child. Bob was sentenced to drown his own tears of sorrow, because of his selfishness.


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