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     "What am I going to do Mom?"Sugar asked her mother. While holding up the test so that her mother could see.

     "I don't know Sugar,"Lena said to her 16 year old daughter.

     "I mean, I guess I could graduate early, continue my job and move out,"Sugar told her mom.

     "That would be a great idea,  but do you think you can handle that all on your own?"Lena asked.

     "I know I can Mom,"Sugar said confidently.

     "Ok, I just want you to know that I'll always support you, even if your father doesn't,"Lena said while pushing a pink strand of hair out of Sugar's face.

     "Can you tell Dad about this?"Sugar asked. 

     "Tell me about what?" Blade, Sugar's father, asked while walking into the living room.

     " It's about what happened last week,"Sugar said nervously. She passed that test over to her dad and bit her lip. She looked at her mother and Lena gave her a reassuring look.

     "This is going to be difficult,"Blade said.

     "You're not mad?"Sugar asked.

     "Why would I be mad, it wasn't your fault, and I trust that you already have a plan,"Blade told his daughter.

     "Thanks Dad,"Sugar said while hugging her father.

One week before, Sugar was walking home from the library. When she was snatched from the streets and and raped. Blade saw his daughter being raped while on his way home from work. He called the police, that man was arrested, and Sugar was taken home.

Six Months Later

     "Okay, I'm ready to find out the gender of my child,"Sugar said to the doctor.

"Okay, and it looks like you are having a...,"the doctor said while looking at the screen,"a girl!"

"I'm getting a granddaughter, what are you going to name her Sugar?" Lena said. Since she went with Sugar to the ultrasound.

"I'll keep that a secret,"Sugar told her mother.

"I'm fine with that. It's your choice,"Lena said.

"I'm so happy, I graduated last week, I bought a house. I can start to set up her room. I feel relieved,"Sugar said. She reached her arm out to her mother so she could hold her hand. But Lena noticed something off about Sugar's time.

Lena grabbed her daughter's wrist so that she could see her wrist. That's when Lena gasped.

"Your time is going down Sugar, it looks like you'll meet your soulmate when your daughter is born,"Lena said.

"Really? That's great,"Sugar said while smiling.

You see, everyone has a soulmate. Not always romantically. In this story, there is a time on everyone's wrist indicating the count down to when they will meet their soulmate. Once you meet your soulmate, the clock on your wrist fades away, almost instantly.

Three Months Later

It was painful for Sugar. Having to give birth to a child is a painful, yet a happy experience.

In Sugar's case, it is much more amazing than she can imagine. She didn't even notice the time on her wrist go down as she had too much excitement about her child.

But after 24 hours of contractions, she was born. The daughter of Sugar Coco was born. The doctor handed the child, that was wrapped in a blanket, to Sugar.

"So Sugar, what's her name?"Blade asked while looking at his granddaughter.

"Sagittarius Coco, that's her name,"Sugar said. Sugar put her finger next to Sagittarius's hand. Sagittarius grabbed her mother's finger.

That's when Sugar noticed something about her wrist and Sagittarius's wrist. There was no date on either of their wrists.

"That's it,"Sugar said,"Sagittarius is my soulmate Mom."

Four Years Later

"Come on Mama, I want to go there!" four year old Sagittarius said to Sugar.

"One second Sagittarius, we need to eat, we'll go as soon as we finish eating okay?"Sugar told her daughter.

"Okay Mama,"Sagittarius said walking back towards her mother. That's when she tripped. The four year old scrapped her knee on the ground. Sugar came to the aid and helped Sagittarius over to the bathroom. They cleaned up the scrap and went to get food.

"Mama, Why am I Sagittarius?"The little one asked.

"Because I want you to have a name that you will accept whoever you are. If you decide that your not a girl, or that you like a certain type of people. I just want you to know I'll accept you for who you are,"Sugar told her daughter.

"Okay Mama,"Sagittarius said.

"And you're my soulmate, so that means I have to protect you from harm, even if I'm the fuse of the harm,"Sugar said too quietly for her daughter to hear.

-Sugar Coco, age 20

Characters-Sugar Coco, age 20

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-Sagittarius Coco, age 4

-Sagittarius Coco, age 4

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