Chapter 30

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"It was you all along that I have loved and I still do."


Shailene Pov- I close my eyes. I wake up and I find that I'm embraced by Theo's arms. He holds me tight. I slipped out of his arms. And changed. As soon as I stepped outside I felt a cool breeze brush past me. I close my eyes and intake it. I can't help but be calmed by it. I step out and head toward the set. Theo walks out with messed up hair and his clothes on. He smiles at me with pure love. His chocolate eyes start engulfing all my thoughts about him. I shed a smile back not meaning to but it happens. I can't help but cry after filming our sets today because Tris and Four are so good together, but yet when they argue it just makes you cry. It's one couple you think is perfect. Like how I thought Theo and I was. I jump in the Shower and wash my hair and rinse. When I hear the door open to the trailer door. We have a few late night scenes. And I happen to have to have the night off. I wrap a towel around me. And step out I see Theo sipping a water bottle and he sets it down. "I will leave-" He begins to speak. In that instant I walk over. And wrap my arms around him. I start crying on his shoulder. "I said I needed time, but I never said Goodbye." I whisper against his chest. He strokes my damp hair. "I know my love." He kisses my cheek. And I continue crying. "What has happened to us?" I ask. He rests his head on my shoulder. "We have grown apart." He says with tears sliding down his cheeks. I pull back wiping away his cheeks with my thumb nail. I kiss him slightly on the lips. I then pull back. And walk away. When I return Theo has disappeared. I crawl into bed and lay on the pillow Theo rested his head on and I dose off taking in his scent.

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