Chapter 2

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"When you just start to break boundaries only to find out that there are more up ahead"


Shailene Pov~ I wake up early in the morning and get ready Theo and I have photo shoots to go do today, but I think I'm going to just let him sleep in till later. After I shower and style my hair I go to get dressed. I am about to spray my Favorite perfume from bath and body. When I hear someone knock on the door. I go over to the French Doors which open up the Master Bedroom.Raphael is in shorts and a T-shirt smiling."Did I wake you?" He says with a smile. I send a smile back. "Nope, not at all" I say really happy. I walk out into the living room to the kitchen."Smells good in here" I reply. "Yes, Well I made you guys breakfast" he replies. "That's very sweet of you" I say. He pulls my seat out for me and Hands me a Rose. "For you my lovely" he kisses me on the Cheek. Probably just a Hawaiian custom. I hear feet making their way into the kitchen. "Good morning" Raphael says to Theo. "Morning" Theo replies. And he sets down at the table with anger Flaring in his eyes. I grab his hand and rub my thumb over it. "What's wrong? " He get's up and walks out slamming the door. Tears slide down my cheeks. "Thanks for the nice Breakfast Raphael we will return later" I pull him into a hug. "Take Care Shailene" Then make my way outside as well.

Hey guys omg if you Haven't been to Allegiant go see it. It was Fantastic especially the Fourtris moments. And the Four Shower scene is words I can't even describe it was that good and the wall scene. I just wish the ended was a little bit better Like I wanted her to be Secretly Pregnant, and like reveal it to Four at the Ending, but that sadly didn't happen, but at least they are together at the Ending.......

As always.......

-Stay Divergent!!!!

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