Chapter 28

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"You don't realize you have lost the one that got away until it's too late. "


Shailene Pov- I pull into the driveway to the house I once thought was going to be full of love. Which is now full of hate, despise, and evil. I close my eyes to hold back the tears. And I step into the house finding. Yuliana, Jessica, Jane, Philip,Mason, and Brayton sitting on the couch. Jane is the first to jump up. "Oh Shailene I am so, so sorry." She embraces me tightly. I cry onto her shoulder. She pulls back and brushes my hair back. "Stay strong beautiful." She kisses my cheek lightly and walks away. Jessica Then takes me into her arms. "I will kick his butt if you want me too." I start Chuckling. " I don't think that will be necessary. " I reply. I see Yuliana coming over to me. "Shailene I know what he did was wrong and I don't expect you tp forgive him anytime soon, but I still think you are meant to be" She whispers and walks away. Then it's Brayton and Mason's turn. "Our  Brother will pay." Brayton says. "That won't be necessary. " I say. "No Shailene what he did was wrong. That's something a player would do." Mason says. "Okay I think that's enough for a while about Theo Shailene let's get you to your room  to get a Nap you've been through hell and back today." Zoe says. Pushing me foward. Ansel and Miles stay behind talking to Mason and Brayton. As We make our way to Shailene's Room. She plops down on the bed. She asks me to leave the room so she can change. We I return she has changed into one of Theo's oversized t-shirts and his sweatpants toped off with a messy Pony-tail. "Shailene I don't think-" "Please Zoe just for tonight." She says. I can tell it's killing her to hold her sadness inside. "Okay" I leave the room to help prepare dinner.

We have Finally finished cooking and preparing dinner. Theo's Family  and I have decided to stay for a few days. Shailene finally walks in the dining room at 5:00. "I am so sorry about what I'm wearing. " she says. "No need to apologize dear we all have one of them days." Jane says.

I walk into our room. I decided to unpack an hour ago just incase anything happened tonight. I face the bed with my back turned and I feel warm hands wrap around me.  "Shailene." He whispers making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He Starts kissing my neck. And nibbles my earlobe. I moan. That's what sends him over  I think he pushes me against the bed. And Frames my arms on each side of me. He takes his fingers and Unhooks my Grown. He starts trailing his tongue up and down my stomach flicking it. I don't know why I'm giving in but I am. He then removes my bra and panties. Teasing me by taking his time. Then I roll us over. "My turn." I say with a seductive wink. He moans at that. I take off his his shirt and his pants. Kissing him while in the process. Everything has been removed except for his underwear. I trail my finger from his lips all the way down to his waist. "Is this what you want?" I begin to slightly rock my hips against his. He makes a groan. I start kissing him all over his chest. "Oh, Oh Shai , I can't even." He manages to get out. I feel him under me getting hard. I then get up off of him. I then feel a hard yank to the bed. "You stick with me."  He begans pressing his lips against mine. I moan. He then starts using his hands all over me anyway a women would want to be pleasured. "Theo, Oh Theo."  I say moaning. He keeps at this I might not hold my euphoria in much longer. He begins to position himself over me. " Come on baby show me you want me." He whispers. "I want you Theo and only you."

Shailene's pov- I wake up with beads of sweat running down my face. I roll over to look for him. But he wasn't there. I then check to see if I had clothes on. Unfortunately it was just a dream. I look over at the clock. It reads five. I might as well go eat something. I make my way to the kitchen. Only to apologize for what I was wearing. But everyone was okay with it. Theo's family and Zoe, Ansel, Miles, and Raphael have cooked dinner. I take a seat only to say grace and bite into some mouth watering chicken. I close my eyes to take in all the wholesome goodness. While everyone was chatting the doorbell rang. I offered to get it but Zoe insisted that she should. After everyone had washed up and went to bed I had sat up reading a book. It was a little past midnight after I finished it and I decided to go get me a glass of water. I find Philip already in there sipping some orange juice. I fix myself a glass of water and take a seat next to Philip. "He loved you, you know." Philip says. I turn around to face him. He Hardly ever speaks. "Yeah I know." I say stirring my finger in the water. "What's got you up?" I ask. "Can't sleep." He says. "Ahh." I say. "Shailene, We all know why your up." He says. "Yeah I can't sleep myself." I say. Philip Chuckles at the statement. "Darling don't pull that with me." He says. "Pulling what I ain't pulling nothing. " I say. "Shailene your doing exactly what Jane did with me way back when." He says. "Philip honestly-" he puts his hand up. "I know what you are going to say because that's exactly what Jane said to me. You love him and Miss him and it's okay and deep down your just hoping that doorbell will ring." He says. " listen Shailene I was about your age when I had this girl Bestfriend named Winnie she got so jealous of Jane and I being together she told Jane I cheated on her with winnie. At this time Jane was about 19 she left her parents house to move in with me. Well one night I came home and she threw  all my belongings on the porch. And told me to leave. I cried for days and weeks on end. Wanting Jane to take me back." I begin to have tears one down my cheeks maybe I was in the wrong. "How did she...she take you back." Philip Sighed a little bit before continuing to talk. "She just did, it wasn't easy though. After all that grieve and stress. She was driving home one night and it all hit her and epiphany but she got so lost into it. She slid off an Icy bridge and flipped. The wreck had caused her to be knocked in a coma. I got the call at 2 in the morning. When I picked up the phone the doctor said hello is this Philip? And I said yes madame. And she then went on to say before Jane completely went out. The doctors asked her which of her loved ones she could call and she said my husband Philip. You see Shailene I knew in that moment she was ment to be mine.So I went to my Bedroom Drawer and pulled out my Great grandmother's wedding ring she had passed onto me. I drove straight onto the hospital. When I arrived they wouldn't let me go back. They told me to wait the doctor would be there with me shortly. Well she finally came out and told me that Jane had passed. So I asked the doctor could I have a few moments. And she said yes. So I went back there to find her lifeless before me. And I found something Gold in her hand. So I took her hand in my and found that Gold locket I gave her on our first date it contained a picture of me and her. And In that moment I lost it Shailene. I knew she was the one. So I pulled out that ring and got on my knees and clutched her hand. And asked for her hand in marriage. I slid the ring on her finger. And I begged for her forgiveness over and over. And After I said I love you Jane. It was like God gave me a second chance. Her tiny fingers wrapped around mine and she said. "I do." Shailene what I'm trying to say is say something before it's too late. Because you may never get a chance." After that Philip got up and headed for the guest bedroom. I knew in that moment I knew what I had to do.

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