Chapter 24

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"Courage is not having the strength to go on,it is going on when you don't have the strength. "


Shailene Pov- I feel lost. I'm walking in pitch black darkness. With no Cellphone to call home because it's dead. Or anything in that matter except for a purse and two dolllars to my name. I start walking farther and farther into the night. I wonder what time it is. I feel a sudden overwhelming sickness come over me and I puke. I then wipe my mouth off .and continue on my journey. After about 15 more mintues of walking I see a clearing. I get closer and Closer So close I can read the sign.'Highway 220' I begin to start crying I'm almost home just a few more mintues and I will be home. As I continue my journey on a highway I feel creeped out like someone was watching me. I Close my eyes and take it all in. Yes there is definitely Someone watching me. I continue my walk. Finally I have made my way downtown. 'Just a few more mintues Shailene' I tell my self. I keep walking. As I walk by a dark alley way that's when it happens....

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