Chapter 26

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"How Can a person give you so much strength,and yet be your weakness."


Shailene Pov~ I feel a hand come over my mouth and that's when I know I'm being attacked. It's not a good thing either. And I know I have to put up a fight. There are only two Choices walk out dead or Alive. I feel a pair of rough, calloused hands grab me. I try to squrim out of their grasp. But I can't. I feel more heading my way. Grabbing onto me slamming me into the brick wall in the alley way. I try to scream, but only a gasp get's out. I start to choke from all the people on me. I can't breathe from barely all this torture. One trys to tear my shirt off. I close my eyes. Tears begin to hit my Cheeks. How will I survive? There is like four of them and one of me. That's when I feel something sharp against my thigh swipe across my Jeans. A knife. The guy with the kife puts his mouth against my ear with his alcohol reeked breath while choking me. "I thought you were a fighter huh?" "You obviously aren't because you are a wimp just like your boyfriend. " It's them guys from the bar. "He's not my boyfriend. " I spit out in rage. "Oh really." His dark eyes scan across me. My eyes follow him as well. " Well that's too bad." He slid the blade across my cheek. The cool metal is smooth, but pure sharpness at touch. I cringe. "Oh it's okay maybe it's time for you to realize that your boyfriend doesn't love you, your pathetic. " He spits out like it's venomous. " again He is not mine-" I almost want to gag. I almost feel like giving up. But I can't do that. I can't give them what they want. I close my eyes and think of Theo. What would he do in this situation? He wouldn't want me to give up. He would want me to fight. Yes, he probably would Chastise me for doing this walking alone in the middle of the night. But I can't keep continuing to think about him I have to worry about getting out of this situation alive.'Think Shailene think'

'What would Theo do?'
I clear my throat and pause. "It's sick you to do this beating up on girls." "Excuse me?" That man said. He then grabbed me harder. I am losing this battle and I can't. My breathes are slowing. "You're a coward. " I yell out. "You're not a man nor a boy, but a coward." I close my eyes. I hear all of them spitting useless threats towards me. I wipe my cheeks. And muster all the strength I can. I bring my hand behind me and feel for the kife pointed at me. I wrap my hand around it. I flip it and push inward. "Ahhhhh!" I hear a clink and I run. I dart out and dash. But I feel a grab to my arm. I turn to the man and elbow him. He lands on the ground. I run as fast as I ever think I have before.

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