Chapter 12

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"I will stop missing you When I am with you again. "


Shailene Pov- I wake up in the Middle of the Night missing him holding me. I get up and look at the time it's 3:30 am. "Great." I say out loud. I try to lay back down, but I can't. I decide to call Theo. I wait after three rings he finally Answers. "Yes beautiful. " My heart sinks at this. "Well I can't sleep." I say."Shai, I will stay on the line and talk until you can how about that?" I bite my lip. "You don't have to." "Yes I do, you are my Girlfriend and I love you enough to." We talk for a long time.Just hearing his voice makes me happy. "Theo Derrick wants to start now!." I hear a girl in the Background say. "Okay, Shai I -" "I know." I say. I click "End Call" and set my cellphone down. I lay back down. That's when I see a figure move across my room. I jump up and see Raphael. "Hey Shailene. " hey says slightly blushing. I smile it's nice to a least see someone to walk around and have in the House as company. "Hi Raphael. " I think and Hope doesn't get insecure with Raphael being here with me by myself. I mean it's not like he is going to try anything. He sits on the sofa we have in the bedroom adjacent from the big bed we sleep in. "I'm sorry if I woke you I was talking to Theo." "Oh I don't mind." He says. "So do you need something? " I ask. "No, I came in here to sit with you until you go to sleep." "You don't have to." I say. He grabs my hand. It feels cold."oh, but I want to." He then let's go. I look up into his dark eyes. "Okay." I say. I little nervous by from what just happened. He sits back down on the sofa. I turn over and close my eyes.But I can't help but wonder was Theo right?.

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