Chapter 5

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"I still get butterflies even though I have seen you Endless times."


Shailene Pov- I wake up with a surge of excitement in my stomach. Today I am going to do a interview with my Partner in crime Theo James in Simi Valley afterwards we are going to meet up with my parents and my brother. "Get up Theodore!" I yell at the top of my lungs. "Shailene was that really called for?" Theo says laughing. "Yes and now because you complained I'm going to sing my good morning song." Theo face palms himself. " I walked right into that one didn't I?" I kiss his cheek. "Yes you did Theodorable" "Okay Shaileney Beanie." I throw a pillow at him. And he throws one back, but he misses me. "Miss me,Miss me, now you gotta kiss me." I chant running into the kitchen. "Oh that won't be hard." Theo says. I bump right into Raphael who was carrying a breakfast tray all of that spills all over him glasses and dishes fall to the Floor. "Oh Raphael I am so sorry here let me help." I start to clean up when Theo makes his way into the Kitchen and stops laughing.He looks over at me and Raphael cleaning up and starts helping out.I look up at Theo and he returns a smile.

A Few hours later we arrive in Simi valley California. Theo being the gentleman he is.Is carrying all the bags. And when we go into the hotel we will be staying in He Checks in he barely let me help do anything. We made our way into the elevator and Theo pushes the button 26. I study the number for a moment before I realize something. "That is the Chapter they had their first kiss on." I say. " Who is they?" he asks. Then he pauses and realizes and says."Well in that Case." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips.The elevator dings and we step out onto hall 26. Theo walks up to the door number 10."Well then I guess this is a sign." I say. Theo looks down at me. "Yes Four and Tris are going to have a baby is that the sign?" Theo asks. "Maybe, But we might." We enter the Room and Theo sets our stuff down."Don't worry you are the only one I plan to get Knocked up." I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. "Well I would hope so." I say. We are about to share a passionate moment when Theo's phone starts ringing. He pulls away. " Every Damn Time." he says. "Hello,Yes we will be there in 5." he hangs up the phone. "Managers they are sure lovely." he says looking back at me." Tell me about it." I reply. On our way to the Interview place Theo holds my hand tightly. "How long our we going to keep this a secret.I mean I'm sure our fans are expecting something is up." I reply. "Do You want to tell?" he asks. "If they ask." I say. "Hi, I am Sherri I will be your interviewer today." "Great." I say. We take our seats in a Small room that is very Dim. "So how was it like to film Divergent and Insurgent?" I speak up first."Well it was Quite stressful in the beginning because it was our first time ever meeting and I didn't know what to expect, but we got through it together and I'm so glad we did." I say with a smile. "yes, I agree with Shai on that one it was very stressful because you didn't if you were coming or going. But as we started filming it started becoming less stressful and you pretty much grew accustomed to what was going on around you." Sherri nods her head. "okay so fans love you guys as a couple onscreen, but did you know that people ship you as an off screen couple as well?" Theo and I look at each other with smiles on our faces as if to say it's time. "Well we are glad they do because....." I let Theo Finish my sentence. "Because we are currently in a relationship." Theo says. Sherri squeals at this. "Oh my gosh is it okay for me to release this information?" Sherri asks. "YES!" Theo and I say in unison. We are so happy that people are wanting us together I have seen some couples been told to break up because people do not like them together. "Well you two are making headlines on twitter right now your relationship is the #1 talked about topic Right Now." "wow." I say astonished. "Okay so I have to ask this about you two after this Franchise is over what are you planning to do?" Theo and I look at each other." Well Sherri I don't like to think like that because it breaks my heart to think the end is almost near,but I would like to think that good things will happen." I say. "Could you give us as Fans a hint?" Sherri asks. Theo speaks up this time." Well Sherri , As they say the future is always unpredictable so we will have to wait and find out." he says."Well thank you two for coming." Sherri says. Theo shakes her hand, and I hug her. "Anytime." we reply. We are now currently going to my mom's house. Theo is driving. He places his right hand on my left Thigh as he is driving. We pull into the driveway. "Nice place." Theo comments. "Thanks." I say winking to him. "No Problem my lady." He gets out and walks over to my side and opens the door. "Theo I can get it myself." I insist. But he doesn't let me. My parents step out on the front porch. "Shailene!" My mother exclaims running down the stairs and into my arms. "mom." I say. She pulls away from me. He sticks his hand out. "Mrs. Woodley" he says. "oh please call me Lori." She pulls him into a hug. My dad walks next up to my mom."You treating my daughter right?" he asks Theo."Yes sir." he stares Theo into the eyes. He sticks his hand out for him to shake,but can tell it's a firm one too. "Good." my dad replies. Tanner comes outside and greets me."Shailene!" he hugs me as well. "Well if it isn't the famous Theo James." Theo laughs and Smiles."I'm not so sure about Famous ." he says. "Please you are Famous in this household. Every time Shailene came over or called you were the main topic of conversation." I blush Slightly at this comment. After dinner and loads of talking Theo and I head back to the hotel room. As we are heading to bed later that night Theo lays in bed next to me for the longest time we look into each others eyes. "So you liked talking about me?" "yeah because you never seem to unphase me." "Never." he asks."Nope Never."I reply he kisses me lightly and then wraps his arms around me. And before I fall asleep I think I hear him say."Goodnight Mrs. Taptiklis." but maybe it's just a dream.

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