Chapter seven-Routine

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Hi its me, happy new year, i hope you enjoy this chapter , please i beg you tell me your thoughts!! in this chapter shit goes down, kinda :'( anyway have fun, thanks again 

love you! :D 

this hasnt been edited at all so correct me when you find mistakes if you like!

Love mariam- xx

 Chapter Seven- Routine.

The last poingant note vibrated through the calm air, as i ended the random tune i strummed on my guitar...

This time I took a deep breath. Barely recognising the Bob Dylan song i mimmicked. The tumbling waves of the sea acted as a harmonious beat. It seemed only a few seconds had passed of me singing peacefully when in actual fact, the time I had turned my bleary gaze to my watch it had read way past midnight. Sighing i rubbed my hand against the stuble on my jaw,once again to distracted to shave, i think i was getting lazy, or maybe being around Beson so much had drained my energy.

I blinked, tiredly raising to refill my cup of tea. Running my calloused finger tips through my tangled mop. Once I had pressed the button of the kettle and potterd around the cosy,rustic kitchen in search of the other ingedients for my tea. I leant against the marble counter absentmindedly  biting my nails, my old habit had returned- i smiled wryly to myself as i recalled the fact a nurse had once scolded me with all those months ago


"There would be more germs if you would lick the toilet seats than when you nibble your nails- It is of high importance for a gentlemen to have nice proper hands for you it seems looks are not everything" The little nurse tutted at me her olive skin crinkling. Her name was stitched to the pocket on her left breast. She was an old spanish lady and her profession suited her in every way. Her warm eyes trailed across my scars shaking her head lightly. I had already been in hospital for three days at the time following an Impossibly hard training and an even harder beating from my father, I had failed to thieve a soul, once again I had been cowardly? Yes- I had prefferd not to suck the souls from her blue lips when a mere few minutes ago the had spoken words of lust.


I bolted in alarm, startledly darting forward from my slumped position against the counter. the kettle signalling it was ready jolted me form my nostalgic daze. I took a delicate gulp of the scorching tea, I fell into the past once again quickly. Remembering all the tiny and somewhat forgotten details of that treacherous week. It was like stumbling only half willing through a dark unfamilliar path, with only the glaring moon as a guide-I supposed it would be easier if it were happy memories i thought bitterly to myself.

Guzzling the last savoured drops of my tea and angrily shoving the cup into the barren sink before hastily rubbing away a stray tear pathetically.

That night I fell into a restless slumber.

Flash backs haunted my sleep blurred and invoking icy fear, i woke each time gasping and blinking as a slight pressure seemed to build in my left arm. So as the hours toddled onwards with troubled sleep the more suffocated i felt finally when the alarm clock by my bed chimed five. I got out of my bed and heavily slung out my legs from the covers. Blasting open the thick window frame and leaning out I took a few more deep breaths before flicking out my used cigarette butt. I then slumped to the bathroom, once the shower trolled on I washed away the stress temporarily pushing it away from my clouded thoughts.

I focused on the beady droplets as they shattered across my skin, once i was changed i ran to the door eagerly before grabbing an apple I picked yesterday and stuffing my headphones full blast in my ears.

I ran, it seemed this was becoming my routine, a steady jog at dusk is invigorating,replenishing. After a while of what i would call reckless and aimless running across the endless stretches of sand I slowed slightly. Vowing to myself that i would soon have to bring shears to my hair as it kept falling into my eyes. I sunk into the plush sand not caring as my headphones dangled out of place, my ragged breathing blew from my lips in hefty gushes. I was about to give in to sleep, the idea appealed to me as my eyelids drooped in contented peace. I was so close to sleep, to drifting off, so close to falling deep into the land of nod, when... BAM!

she knocked me gawkily falling to my side and curling her arms around her folded legs, nudging me softly.

"Its early." she muttered tossing her hair from her shoulders, pushing her fringe to hide her tired eyes, she hadnt slept well either.

"I know."

"why are you up?" the words fell from our lips at the same time simultaneously

I smirked and told her I went for a run- "Its quieter in the morning"

She nodded not offering me an answer, avoiding it...

"Your hair has grown alot in two weeks" Robyn noted mildly not really diving into interestign conversation.

This time I nodded yanking her down and shoving her under the crook of my arm.

we layed there quietly, giving her time to tell me what was bothering her, and it may be ambiguous but it was obvious someting was up, the creamy skin crinked slightly at her brows as a frown marred her features.

We were wraped around eachother.My toughened finger tips trailed random patterns across the soft skin of her arms and hands, they were so soft like a baby's butt as they say, it was irresistably kissable.

What? Yes, I couldnt barely concentrate on my breathing as her own hot breath bpuckered across me neck. Yes, she smelled like coffee and honey. No, I didnt expect to find angry scars barbed across the base of Robyn's wrist. 

She stiffened when she noticed me noticing it, yet not quiet recoiling.

"My father died." she explained numbly, guiltily as though ashamed of her scar.

" I know." I hugged her closer to my chest, ignoring the fact I probably now smelled foul.

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